Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Being let out of the cell that she was confined to was something that Amelia knew she was going to have to cherish for a while. She looked and felt no better than a prostitute that roamed the camp full of men and by the end of the night became crow eaters and were forgotten about when the man took other women the next day. Amelia felt clean and almost felt new as she sat on top of her horse waiting for King Robb to come back with his mother on one side and a man whose name Amelia knew well but couldn't say was the other side; and Amelia still felt like she was a prisoner on the outside.

Looking out into the vast space in front of them, it was clear that whoever told the party of three that Robb had return. Clearly had lied as the colour of the sky darkened and the threat of what lurked in the night heightened. Amelia knew that when he returned he would place pleasantries for his people and the ones he had captured and returned to the camp to hold for questioning; many being family she desperately wished she could see. As the three sat waiting being asked almost every second that they would return and Lady Stark refusing it became like a game in Amelia's head and as it constantly replayed she wished to see something to say that they were safe, with the fear that maybe something had happened to her King and although she had admitted a sin against him. She wished his safe return for his people; well that was what she told herself.

It was almost instant that the clattering of hooves and the sound of men came that they saw the people they had been waiting to see, armour covered in blood and facial expressions of happiness. The stark banner flew high among his men and as robb led them back to their camp he showed power and strength as his mother simply cried in his return. Robb stare fell to Amelia and the cold hard stare only hardened with the fear of what he was about to show her. Robb rode his horse to just in front of her, giving her a quick look over and noticing the bruises that had formed but tried to pay no attention to that. As the young princess was given help down from her horse, she looked at her husband before her face fell to the ground as she curtsied to the man she was staring to fear 'Congratulation on your victory. I am sure it will be one of many your grace.' Robb simply nodded as he too got of his horse to look around at his men before taking Amelia and leading her to the open plan where his men were.

It was almost a strangled cry that Amelia made as she saw a man being thrown to her feet clad I iron chains and looking like he was n discomfort. It was the moment that the man was pulled up that she realised it was her Uncle Jamie and as she let out yet another cry she tried to run from the people around her and go to her uncle the one thing that she had now that was from home. However as she tried to break free from the stark men it was robb that captured Amelia and pulled her back do that she could not reach the Lannister in front of them. Robb pulled Amelia to is side and he facial expression hardened to her, and as she whimpered he reminded her on what side she was on. It was as Robb addressed his mother did Amelia's gaze fall to her uncle and she grimaced as she saw her uncle and the state he was now in.

Robb looked at his lion and saw the pain that she was in 'By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened' as Jamie lifted his head up he smirked at his niece. His child that he knew was brought up to be strong and defiant. As Catelyn stood in front of Jamie with Robb and Amelia to her other side and Theon behind with his sword pointed at the Lannister back. 'Lady stark, I would offer you my sword but I have seemed to have lost it.' Jamie had the glint of mischief in his eyes and it was something that reminded Amelia so much of home that she had to look away from the man in front of her. Lady Catelyn looked at disgust at the young Lannister girl before back to the man that was in front of her. 'It is not your sword I want, give me my daughters back, and give me my husband' Jamie could only laugh at the women before gulping under her gaze. 'I seem to have lost them to I'm afraid.'

It was Theon that looked at Robb and the gaze unsettled Amelia, but she hadn't notice Jamie looking at her. He had missed the child and she had grown up in the months she had been away from home, she was looking more and more like her mother and Jamie had made the promise to Joffrey to get Amelia home, no matter what the cost was. As long as she came back just as pristine as she left. Jamie knew Amelia was Joffrey's downfall that was what she was to a lot of men. He feared for her in the North, but he feared for everyone under Joffrey's reign no one was safe except the golden child; she could do no wrong.

It was the worsening on her facial expressions that brought Jamie back to the present, hearing Theon telling robb to send his head back to his father was a good threat. But one he knew the wolf wouldn't do, even Jamie knew he was too valuable in being captured to have his head chopped off as a message for his father; and even then the war would rage on and where his sisters would be then. Jamie contemplated the idea of dying he knew it didn't scare him, not as much as over things did. Amelia's body relaxed greatly as she was told he was to be put into irons, but maybe that was because she knew he would be here for another day. As Amelia says them taking Jamie away she sighed as he was taken away the men cheered it away of victory and power.

Robb looked over to Amelia and she shrunk under his gaze 'I sent two hundred men to their deaths today.' It was Theon's remark about songs that made Robbs glare on Amelia almost soften 'Aye but the dead wont here them.' With the Robb told his men to head back to camp and as Amelia left to go and mount her horse.

Robb caught Amelia's arm and shook his head and as he held her gaze he could see the look of someone who she know branded an enemy. With his humourless expression and stern gaze Amelia wanted to beg to go home, but that was long forgotten and as she looked over him she couldn't read him like she had been able to before. The only thing she felt radiating off him was hatred, whether it was towards her or the company she kept she felt a lot of it and wanted to cower in fear. Amelia had never felt more helpless in her life and the only thing that came to her mind in that moment blurted out quicker than intended.

'Are you going to kill me?'


Hey guys! Finally updated when I said I would. I hope you like the chapter, what do you think of Jamie now being in the picture? What part do you think he will play in the story? 

Is there anything you guys would like to see, I love your comments and have always relieved positive comments from everyone an I really appreciate that. 

What would you like me to do with Joffrey would you like to have him in some chapters? 

Comment and vote, and as always thank you so much for reading my story :). 

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