Chapter 20

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Amelia had finally finished helping her handmaidens, she was worried that she had packed too much but was constantly told that it was fine and the stuff that she had brought was needed for the long journey ahead. Amelia was told that she would be taking a small amount of Lannister guards with her but they would be her loyal ones and she got to choose.

As Amelia thanks her ladies they slowly curtsied and walked out. As Amelia looked around her chambers she realised that she would be a stark, and she wasn't sure if she was worried about this or if she was excited at the new prospect of somewhere new. As the last of Amelia's things that she would need we're being taken out of her chambers Amelia quickly looked around one last time before waking off to go and find her brother.

As she slowly walked down the corridor she smiled at the guards and slowly came to a stop when she was standing right outside her brothers chambers. As she was about to open the door she headed raised voices. "I cannot let her go. She is all I have left what happens if she gets hurt, nightmares what happened if she can't cope" Joffrey shouted. "That is what rob is for to calm her soothe her if need be. Joffrey you agreed to let her go, you handed her to the north" a women's voice replied back to her brother. As Amelia looked around checking there was no in in the long corridor she pressed her ear to the door to hear what else they were saying.

"You were not like this when myrcella left Joffrey what's different this time?" The woman's voice exclaimed. "Myrcella wasn't Amelia, Amelia is a child. And she's marrying a man who's going to manipulate her. Not look after her as her brother I am supposed to protect her. How can I protect her when she that far away. When I can only talk to her through a letter instead of face to face I can't hug her if she cries and tell her everything is alright. I can't lose her." Joffrey stated as his voice got quieter with every word. As the woman looked at him with nothing more to say she opened the door.

As she did Amelia feel flat on to her face at her feet? Looking up she saw her mother and smiled. "I heard you were both talking I didn't want to interrupt." Amelia stated quietly as she brushed herself down and stood up. Her mother smiled fondly at her before biding the pair goodbye and leaving them both. As Amelia walked in she saw the state of which Joffrey was in. It was still some want early morning as the sun was starting to rise and the party wanted to leave as soon as possible. As Amelia looked at Joffrey's she could see his tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes and as she walked towards him she couldn't help a few fall from her eyes either as she cuddled up to him for as long as she could.

"I'm going to miss you I promise you that when I come back it will be like an I never left" Amelia said kind-heartedly. Joffrey looked up from the ground and smiled at her "maybe just be like it never happened, just promise me one thing won't stay away for too long?" Amelia noises her head and laughed. "Of course of course not this is my home." Amelia replied with a smile. As she looked at her elder brother she smiled and snuggled into his chest more, the pair sat like this for a moment enjoying the silence. They both knew what the repercussions would be after today had happened, and how the likeness of the par seeing each other again any time soon was slim, but the siblings liked to hold on to the small glimpses that they had.

Amelia looked up at Joffrey and Joffrey realising that Amelia had moved he looked down upon her , "do you not miss myrcella then Jof" Amelia enquired as she stood up and walked over to Joffrey's bed to pick up the wolf skins fur to wrap it around her so she stayed warm. Joffrey shook his head at Amelia as she than placed she on the bottom of his bed. "I do I miss her with the part of my heart that is designated for her. However I talk to Myrcella often and she has told me about how well she is doing, I know that she is safe. I fear that you are going into the wolves den unprepared that is all little lion." Amelia nodded her head before yawning, "Why don't we snuggle up for the next few hours, before you have to go." Amelia nodded her head and fell back onto the bed and scrambling under the covers; at this Joffrey laughed but followed I suit as he was tired to.

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