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Cassandra's POV

"Hey. Who are you? What do you want?" Someone asked and I turned to see who it is. It was guy, probably the guard.

After aimlessly wandering around the woods and the lake, I came here. In front of a castle in middle of nowhere.

"Who's castle is this?" I asked, ignoring his questions.

"The Vampire King's." He answered before raising his eyebrow. "Are you one of those girls?" He scoffed. I knew what he meant so I shook my head.

I was between vampires again. And it annoyed the hell out of me.

But at this point, I think, for me, this castle would be a safe place to stay. Even though it is surrounded by vampires which I loathe. Still, it's better than being out there, alone and unarmed between some group of hunters and rogues.

"I want to meet the King. Open the gates." I tell him.

"I can't. Not until the King says so himself." He said. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Look, you seem like a nice guy and I don't want to hurt you. So open the damn doors before I do something we both regret." I said, calmly.

"Let her in, Zane." I heard a very dominant voice. A voice holding power and royal-ness.

The gates opened and I stepped in, rolling my eyes at Zane.

Everyone scurried off as soon as they saw me. It's like they are scared I'll kill them.

Vampires, scared of a Werewolf? So funny.

The castle was...well, big to say the least. It had all those vampire vibes that made me shiver in disgust. It was dark from the inside and smelt of fresh blood.

I feel nauseous.

"This way." Another vampire said, pointing at a room. I walked towards it and opened the door.

There was a man, standing near the window, in daylight for some odd reason.

Aren't vampires scared to lights? Oh. He's the royal blood. Yeah, right.

I rolled my eyes and he turned around, making me see his features.

Dark hair, pale skin and sharp jawline with high cheekbones. Typical.

And then there were a few other vampires and felt a weird sense of fear at that moment but I shrugged it off.

The King then walked behind me, placing his hands on my waist. I jerked them off, glaring at his disgusting face.

"No, sweetheart. Don't do that." He whispered in my ear. For a moment I froze. "What do you think we should do with her?" He asked the other people.

"Fuck her!"

"Kill her!"

"Tie her in the dungeons with wolfsbane and silver!"

And that's when I realised, how big of a mistake it was to be here between these vampires. I was trapped and I can't see my way out.

"Alright. Take her to the dungeons. I'll deal with her tomorrow." The king chuckled and pushed me towards two guards.

My hands were cuffed now and I was starting to feel dizzy already.

There was wolfsbane in the air. I could feel it. I coughed, trying to stay awake but failed terribly.


"Wake up, Cassey." My mom's voice whispered.

No. I can't.

I'm tired.

Tired of running. Tired of fighting. Tired of being alone. I want to give up. I want to be with you mom.

"Don't give up, my child. You're strong. You can survive this. Open your eyes."

My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was bars. Metal bars.

There was silver on my wrist, wolfsbane in the air and sweat all over my body. I feel hungry and tired.

"You hear me, Cassandra?" I heard a masculine voice. I narrowed my voice, trying to focus.

Am I hallucinating?

"No, you're not. Focus on my voice, alright? I'm gonna help you out." The same voice said again.

I wanna sleep.

"You can't! Listen to me! Focus!"

Okay. Let's focus.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of that blur-ness.

"Okay. Good. You handcuffs are loosened, okay? If you give your hands a strong jerk, they'll just come right off. You hear me?"

I nodded and took a long breathe before doing as told.

I pulled my hands down with a jerk but it only resulted in silver burning through my skin.

I screamed. Really loud and grunted. I couldn't hold my tears and sobbed.

"Don't give up just yet. One more time! Believe me, they'll come off."

I sniffed and shook my head.

"I can't." I whispered and sobbed. "I can't."

"You can, Cassey!" He said and that's when it hit me.


"Yes, it's me. Please Cass, don't give up yet. I'm here, alright?"

I groaned loudly, took a sharp breathe in before pulled the handcuffs in a jerk and screaming again when the silver came in contact with my skin.

But this time, those cuffs actually broke and came off.

I fell down, panting heavily at the relief.

But then, I heard the footsteps of the guards and panicked. Before I could figure out what to do, Zane showed up at the gate and unlocked it.

"Go with him, Cass. Be quick." Darius said again.

I nodded and stumbled out of the cage, coughing and held on to Zane for balance as he walked. He didn't oppose and we walked to the other side of the dungeons. There was another door with lock that Zane opened and let me step out. As soon as I was out, he locked the door again and left.

"Cassandra..." I heard my name being called, beautifully. I looked up and saw Darius.

He walked towards me before scooping me in his arms.

"Darius." I smiled for the first time in eight months. I could feel the coldness over my heart melting away as he stared lovingly in my eyes. I could feel myself healing as he caressed my back, cheeks and hair.

He had tears in his beautiful grey eyes. It was hurting him to see me hurt. Relief was all over his face as he hugged me.

"I thought you..."

"Left?" He finished. I nodded and he shook his head. "Never without you." He kissed my forehead. "We need to leave this place. Come."

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