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Cassandra's POV

As soon as Darius left, I looked out of the window, finding a way to escape. But then, there was a knock on the door.

"Darius isn't here. Get lost." I said, still looking out in the dark.

"I'm here for you, Ms Cassandra." A lady spoke. I huffed and opened the door only to spot a woman, more likely a girl at the door. She was smaller than me in height but definitely pretty.

"Alpha Darius has told me to help you with anything you need." She said. I raised my eyebrow.

"Anything?" She nodded. "Alright. Tell me the way out of this castle. Like, if I manage to cross those walls, where do I go?" She got all confused.

"I'm..not sure. I, myself have never been out of the castle." She said. I sighed.

Maybe I'll just go and have dinner.

"Alright. Tell me how to wear this...thing." I pointed at the olive green dress Darius gave me.

After an hour of me constantly whining, groaning and the girl tolerating it all, I was finally wearing it.

"I don't like this." I said, surprising the girl. My neck was all bare, hands weren't covered, showing all the scar and a little of my cleavage was showing too.

Not to mention that slit on my thigh.

"But, you look amazing, Ms Cassandra." The girl said.

"Nah. Can you sew this part?" I asked her, pointing at the slit. She nodded and did as told. "What's your name again?" I asked.

"Ella." She answered, shyly. I nodded with a hand on her shoulder.

"You're the first person in this place that hasn't annoyed me so, I'll be keeping you around, okay?" I tell her. She nodded and then started working on my hair.

As soon as she looked at them, she frowned.

"Your hair is white?" She asked. I glared at her through the mirror.

"I know they are greying but you don't need to point them out, okay?" She shook her head.

"They are not greying. They're changing their colour." She said, hinting something.

"What's the difference?" She shook her head again and started working on it. She just combed my hair, saying it will look better if I leave them open and I agreed with her. As we were just chatting, the knock on the door interrupted us.

"What?" I asked rudely.

"It's time." Darius's voice said. I rolled my eyes while Ella opened the door. His gaze found mine and I saw him gulp, audibly. As he was staring at me, Ella excused herself and left.

I waited for him to look away or say something but he never did.

I'm getting annoyed right now.

"Stop." I said, glaring at him. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and cleared his throat, scratching his back of the neck. I rolled my eyes and wore the heels.

"Cass?" He called and I turned. He didn't say anything but placed my hand on his arm. I looked at his arm and back in his eyes.

"I'm not doing this." I deadpanned, taking my hand back.

"You sure?" He asked, looking at my heels.

"Yes-" I took the first step and winced as my ankle twisted. I sighed. "Alright, just till the dinning table." I said. He chuckled, wrapped his arm softly around my waist. I tensed and he saw that. I tried to make it seem like it's nothing but failed terribly. He then walked, pulling me with his and also kind of helped me walk too.

I looked at him. He was wearing a black suit and his hair were styled perfectly. There's a little beard on his face but if anything, it makes him look hot.

Before he could catch me checking him out, I looked in front.

We reached the dinning table and I realised, there were no ladies. Only males.

Darius pulled out a chair for me and I sat. He was right next to me. I looked around the table. There was large chair in the middle and I guessed it must be for the King.

Then, I looked at the food and almost raised my hand to take the bread when I felt a warm touch on my thigh. I looked down to see it was Darius's hand. I looked at him, glaring but all he did was shake his head.

"So, who is the pretty lady, Alpha Darius?" One of the alphas asked him. I looked at him as he cleared his throat.

"Just an acquaintance." He replied.

"You do know that women are not allowed here, right? Why would you bring her here?" Another one asked.

"It's was King who invited her, not me. And I would be glad if everyone stops asking me questions." He said, directing at everyone.

"Won't you even tell us her name?" The first Alpha asked with a smirk.

"No." He said, looking at me and then looking ahead again. Connor gave him a nod which he returned. They shared a knowing look as I heard the footsteps coming downstairs.

"The King is here." People whispered.

I sighed and looked down at my aching feet.

I heard the chair being pulled but didn't look up. Until, I heard a deep throat clearing. I looked up at the king's chair and....

"Jared..." I trailed off. People gasped, hearing me call the King by his name. I felt numb after seeing him.

"Please don't." I heard Darius say in my head. "This is not the right place."

"How are you, Cassandra?" Jared asked, clearing his throat, trying to be sweet. I stared at him with hatred and anger, not answering his question.

"Cass, stop." Darius mind-linked, tightening his grip on my thigh. I swallowed the heavy lump in my throat and looked ahead, away from him.


The omegas came and served us. I didn't even want to be in the same place as him. I didn't eat much either. Just when everyone was dismissed, I removed my heels and walked ahead of everyone with speed.

Alright. Deep breathes.

I said to myself as soon as I stepped in the room. But as I repeated those words in my head, it only made me want to cry more.

"Cass..." I heard Darius.

"Don't." I warned him. I paced around the room, thinking of ways to escape.

Suddenly, I felt his hands wrap around me from behind. His chin was on my shoulder, warm breathes hitting my neck.

"I'm sorry." He whispered before turning me around and hugging me. I didn't hug him back. I didn't even move or say anything. "Cassey, I'm sorry, okay? I should have told you beforehand. It must have been hard seeing him after all these years."

His hand was rubbing my back, giving me comfort which I refused to accept.

"Please, say something." He whispered, slightly pulling back, taking a look at my face. I stared in his eyes, taking a step back from his embrace.

"I don't trust you. I don't even know you right now."

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