Twenty Two

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Cassandra's POV

I got out the water and so did the girls. We pulled on our clothes.

"Listen, take Annette and go back to the tents." I said but none of them moved. "Now!" They quickly nodded and Becky picked Annette, rushing back to the tents.

The moment Annette was out of my sight, I cracked my neck and looked at the rogues and hunters. They were stepping out of the bushes, loading their guns and arrows. I closed my eyes for a moment, shifting partially into my wolf such that my eyes turn purple and claws form in place of my hands.

"Let's do this!" My wolf smirked and we attacked.

I grabbed the first hunter by his neck and snapped it. He fell down lifelessly on the hard ground and the shooting started.

Dodging the bullets successfully, I made my way to another hunter and grabbed his neck, digging my claws through his flesh and pulled out, making him bleed to death.

Suddenly, a black wolf pounced on me, trying to bite my neck. I rolled us over and knocked him out with a hit on his head.

The fight was getting even more brutal. My hair were slightly covered in blood. I could test the blood in my mouth which wasn't mine. So many dead bodies lying around me.

I grunted when I felt the brown wolf scratch my cheek.

I was getting tired slowly. It was the moment when I felt outnumbered.

A dark brown wolf stepped beside me.

"Or maybe not." Darius's wolf said, making mine happy.

We fought with every single one of them. Until it came to a last werewolf which was in a human form and was pointing a gun filled with silver bullets at me. Another hunter was point a gun at Darius.

"If any one of you moves, the other one gets shot." The hunter warned. His head was bleeding and it looked like he would pass out any moment. "Shoot her in the limbs, Travis."

"I...I c-can't." The wolf whimpered, almost crying.

"What do you mean you can't!? Just pull the trigger!" He held at him.

Darius jumped on the hunter and killed him. Shifting back to myself, I walked to Travis.

He fell on his knees, sobbing loudly.

"Let's take him to the tents." I said to Darius and he nodded.

We walked to the tents, taking Travis with us. All eyes were on us and the three girls and Annette weren't their. I guess they need some time to process.

"Oh my! Are you two okay?" An elderly woman asked, running towards me and Darius. I nodded. "Thank Goddess! I told this man here not to go and fight in this state but he didn't listen to me." She glared at Darius who sheepishly smiled at me.

"I am fine, oldie." He said to the lady. "And yeah, we have this." He pointed to Travis.

"Oh. We don't have tents so one of you will have to share now."

"We will share the tent." Darius said and pulled me towards his tent. Once we both were in, he zipped it up and looked at me. "Are you hurt somewhere?" He asked.

I showed him the cut on my arm and scratch on my cheek. He growled in anger.

"It's fine. It will heal in a day or two." I smiled. He kissed my forehead, caressing my cheek. I sighed and pulled him in a hug.

We stayed like that for a moment. He then kissed my neck and smiled against it.

"We are a good team." I smiled too, pulling back and kissing him on the lips.

"We are."


Gideon's POV

"I need to leave." I whispered.


"Please, let me go." I pleaded. "I need to warn Cassandra and Darius. I need to help them. They need me. Just, let me go."

"I told you you're my mate and this is your reaction?" He rolled his eyes. I bit my lower lip, rubbing my hand over my face.

For moments, it was pin drop silence around us. He then looked me in the eyes and sighed.


"What?" I sniffed. He then glared.

"You wanted to leave, right? I'm letting you free now." I just blinked twice, not believing he'd just let me go. "Fucking leave now!! Get out of my sight!!"

I threw my arms around him and squeezed him as a sob break through my throat.

"What the heck!? I told you to leave now, didn't I? Get lost!" He yelled but didn't push me away.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, kissing his cheek and he froze. "I'm so sorry." I whispered one last time before running out of the door.


Unknown's POV

Everything I try is failing. Every fucking time something or someone saves her. I tried every damn thing! From werewolves to hunters and even their collaboration! Still all I got was failure.

I sighed when the sound of her footsteps echoed in the entire room.

"You disappointed me, Zara. I thought you were different than others." I looked up at her. She was shivering in fear.

"I-I'm s-sorry, my Queen." She stuttered out.

That's problem.

"Sorry? What will your 'sorry' do for me, huh? Is it gonna bring me the White Luna? Or is it going to help me with my plan?!" I banged my fist on the arm of my throne. She flinched and took a small step back.

"My...My Queen."

"Shut up!" I yelled and sighed, leaning back when I felt the energy draining out of me. "Get me the blood packs. How many have left?" I asked the witch standing in the corner.

"Three, my Queen." She answered.

"Get me 1/4 of one pack." I tell her. She nodded and disappeared in the dark room before returning with the previous White Luna's blood in a glass.

"I think we should try with vampires." Zara suddenly said and a smirk formed on my lips.

"You're learning now, Zara. Good."

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