Thirty One

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Darius's POV

The door closed as Cassandra left with Josephine. I watched the way both Jarvis and Gideon looked at each other and shifted uncomfortably.

"What is it?" I narrowed my eyes on them.

"What?" Gideon looked at me, innocently.

"They way you looked at each other just now. What is it about?"

Gideon looked at Jarvis and he nodded. "We are suspicious of Josephine." I raised my eyebrow. "Jarvis can explain it better."

"Okay. Explain." I faced Jarvis. He sighed and sat on a chair.

"Years, years back, I was a hostage of some blood witches who performed their black magic on me to turn me into a monster that would be sired to them. It obviously didn't work for Goddess knows what reason and they left me to die in the sacred cave which was burning by the way," he paused. "I was dead, almost but was saved by a white she-wolf which you probably guessed who - the White Luna of that generation."

"Okay..." I said, taking in the information.

"In order to save me, she bit me and well, I died with vampire blood in my veins and I was a werewolf so, I turned into an hybrid. And in a way," he paused again, "I became sired to the White Luna."

"Which in this generation is Cassandra."

"Yes. You are not as dumb as I thought you were." He smirked. I glared at him for a moment.

"What does 'sired' mean?" I frowned.

"It means I'm obliged to follow every instruction I get by her and protect her with my life." He proudly said.

"And how does this relate to Josephine?"

"You see," he paused again, thinking how to explain it to me, "when she, Josephine is around me and Luna, I have this...this weird sensation as if a siren going off and telling me 'danger ahead'."


"Well," Jarvis cleared his throat, "I could be wrong. It could just be my protective instincts since I don't know of Josephine."

"You should talk it with Cassandra." Gideon softly said. "And, take it slow. I mean, she has her mother in front of her eyes."

"Yes. Yes." I gulped.

I didn't feel very right either when I first saw Josephine. Plus, she has never told us how she got out of that fire. How she was here.

"Wanna buy suits for the ball?" Gideon smiled a moment later.


I opened the door to my room and saw a shopping bag lying on the bed. My eyes searched for my mate and I saw her standing near the window, hugging herself as she looked out.

"Cassey?" I called out, feeling something was wrong. I approached her "Are you okay?"

She turned around and slid her arms around my neck, pulling me close and sighing.

"Hey," I hugged her back. "What happened?"

"Just a bad mood." She shrugged. "Let's stay like this for a while." She hugged me tighter.

I mumbled an okay and kissed her head. "We will talk about this later though, okay?"

"Hmm." I felt her smile against me. "I love you."

My heart swelled. "I love you too." I smiled and kissed her head again.

We stayed like that for another moment before she looked up and smiled at my face.

"Wanna see my dress?"

She showed me her dress and by the time we were done chitchatting about our day, the clock struck 4 and we got ready for the ball.

Ella came in soon and both of them helped each other with the dress and the makeup while Connor and I talked about our packs and our mates outside of the room.

Then the door opened up and Ella stepped out, wearing a navy blue dress and her brown hair down her shoulders. Connor smiled and hooked his arm around her waist, saying sweet words to her.

"Give her a minute. She is almost done." Ella said to me.

"Thank you. And you look lovely, by the way." I smiled at her. I looked at Connor. "You guys go ahead, I'll see you at the ball."

"Sure." Connor smiled and walked off with his mate.

I looked down at my watch and just then, I heard Cassandra's shriek from the inside.

I opened the door, ready to attack whoever had hurt her but found her on the ground, fallen with no monster around the room.

And then I realised, that monster was her heels.

I chuckled and helped her up.

"Don't laugh at me." She glared at me. I softly kissed her cheek.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

And she did. She was wearing her dress and her hair was in a neat yet messy bun-thing. She was wearing diamond earrings and had makeup that highlighted the already red cheeks and pink lips of hers.

She looked at me from head to bottom before pretending to think and then saying, "you don't look so bad yourself." And giggling, she grabbed my suit lapels. "You look very handsome."

"Let's go?" I asked, offering her my arm.

"You'll catch me if I fall, right?" She placed her hand on it.



Jarvis and Gideon were at the bar, drinking and talking among themselves. Cassandra was at the food table, munching on little bites of every food item there.

King Jared entered the room and the music started playing.

"Darius." I turned to look at Cassandra and she stuffed a grape inside my mouth and giggled.

"Sweet." I smiled. "Do you wanna dance?"

She looked at me with amusement. "When have you ever seen me dance?"

I rolled my eyes, smiling anyway. I grabbed a tissue, wiping her hands. "Let me rephrase that." I threw the tissue and wrapped my arms around her waist. "We are dancing. Now."

With that, I pulled her to the dance floor and she did stumble a couple times but I caught her.

We began swaying to the music, softly and slowly, lost in each other's eyes. It was a beautiful moment.

She was so beautiful.

I twirled her around before catching her again, this time, her back against my chest. I kissed my mark on her exposed neck, watching as a shiver ran down her spine.

We pulled apart hearing some claps and cheers.

Connor was on his knees, with Ella nodding her head yes. I smiled and kissed Cassandra's temple. She looked up at me with a smile before leaning into me.

Their moment was unfortunately broken by the door slamming open and Josephine entering.

"Oh, what do we have here? An Omega forgetting her place and marrying an Alpha?"

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