Thirty Six

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Darius's POV

"Someone go check on Luna." I nervously said as Cassandra still hadn't returned. It had been quite some time now.

The kids who had shifted into their wolves were now running around in circles, looking really happy.

A while later, one of the warriors returned with panic all over his face.

"Alpha, there is no sign of Luna but we found Jarvis unconscious under a tree."

I had men bring Jarvis here. We evacuated the area, sending everyone in their pack houses.

Jarvis woke up after an hour of us trying to wake him up.

"My head..." He groaned, craddling it.

"Jarvis," I looked him the eye, "where is Cassandra?"

All the expressions were drained out from his face. He looked in some blank space, not meeting my eye.

"Where is she, Jarvis?" I grabbed his collar, desperately pleading him to tell me where my mate was. "Please. Please tell me where she is." I begged.

"Blood Queen got her."

I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest.


One month later...

"Tell me you found her, Gideon." I begged him. He looked at me with sympathy and a broken expression.

"I have been trying, Darius."

"You've been trying since a month now! Just tell me if you're not capable of finding her, I find someone who is!" My voice was louder than I wanted it to be.

"Yeah." He nodded, slowly. "You're right. We should find someone who is more capable than me."

"Darius," I turned around and saw Jarvis glaring at me. "I'm the one who's to be blamed for Luna's disappearance. Don't you dare take out my anger on my mate." He growled.

"Or what?" I growled back.

"I'll fight you."

"I fucking dare you-"

"Is Luna Cassey not home yet?" Annette in the doorframe asked, peeking her head in.

"Ann, love. Come here, please." Gideon smiled at her. He pulled out a chair for her. "Do you wanna help me find Luna?"

"She's lost?" Annette's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes. We have to find her real quick."

"I'll help you! Let's find Luna." She grinned wide.

I sighed, my anger vanishing as I watched her.

I threw one last glare at Jarvis before walking out.

As I reached the castle, I spotted Connor making his way towards me. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, or anyone for that matter.

I wanted Cassandra back.

I wanted my mate back.

"You should rest Darius." Connor sighed, placing a hand on my back. "You have dark circles under your bloodshot eyes. Your wolf is at edge. Sleep before he goes out of control."

I looked up at him and saw the sympathetic glint in his eyes.

Without saying a word, I brushed off his hand walking ahead.

"Gideon," he said and I stopped in my way, "he's trying his best to find Cassandra. And...and I get you. I understand how you feel. But, Gideon is going to find her. We all will help him in any sort of way but not when you're like this."

"Like what?" I asked in a whisper.

"This.." he gestured at me with his hand and a look of disapproval in his eyes. "Losing temper, going wild. This behaviour of yours is not going to help find Cassandra."

I turned around to face him. "What am I supposed to do then, Connor?"

"Go and rest." He sighed.

I took a step towards him, clenching my jaw. "Did you rest when your wife died? She wasn't even your mate."

"Darius..." His eyes widened a little and he gulped.

"That's what I thought."


Three weeks of sleepless nights and no sign of Cassandra. I was going crazy. With King gone too, the whole kingdom was going crazy.

Though Connor was handling it quite well with his mate, Ella.

Jarvis came on time to time to check on me with a grumpy face. Gideon forced him to see me. He would even bring Annette along sometimes and I had to force a couple smiles and nods at her.

The door opened with a creek sound and I sighed, knowing it was Jarvis again.

The difference in the scent made me turn around and look at the door.

Gideon stood there, his body shaking as tears rolled down his cheeks, his fists clenched by his side.

"I-I...I'm s-sorry-" he broke down, falling on his knees and sobbing.

It broke me to see him like this. He has been my closest friend all these years.

I walked to him, pulling him up and walking him to the bed.

"What happened?" I softly asked.

"I... I looked everywhere." He sniffled. "Everywhere, Darius. Trust me. Every dimensional world, every corner of the Earth and even the other side."

"Y-You didn't...?" The question hanged in the air, followed by a very long and sad silence.

He shook his head, wiping his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

I cleared my throat, looking away from him.

"I'm...I'm really s-sorry, Darius. I couldn't-"

"It's," I gulped down the heavy lump in my throat, "it's not your fault."


"Is she at least alive?" I asked.

"She is. She is alive." He nodded. "She wasn't in the other side."

"We just have to keep looking for her then."

"We...we can, I mean, I can use black magic to find her but that would lead trouble to all of us with the Higher Ups."

I nodded, not saying anything else.

"We could ask help from the Higher Ups." We both turned to where the voice came from. Jarvis stood there, leaning against the door frame.

"The King is not here." I reminded Jarvis. "Only the Royals can talk with the Higher Ups."

"We could go to them, then." Gideon said, looking at me. "I could contact with the Head Witch there and ask for permission to open the Rowena dimension."

"But, will it work? Will they agree to help us?" I questioned.

Gideon nodded. "The King of Rowena is Almighty. He possesses power that is beyond every creature. He's a kind man and the Queen too. They are good people."

"Lets do this then." I agreed.

"Okay." Gideon stood up. "I'll go make contact with the witch for permission." He gave me a nod before walking out, squeezing Jarvis's arm assuringly on the way out.

Jarvis sighed and looked around the room, running a hand through his hair.

"Go shower and fix yourself. You don't want the Higher Ups to see you like this."

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