Twenty Six

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Darius's POV

My eyes open with a gasp and sat up straight. My breathes were heavy and sharp as my chest heaved up and down. There was sweat all over my body.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" I turned to my right and relief washed over me when I saw Cassandra looking at me with concern. She sat up and caressed my cheek with her thumb before hugging me tight.

I wrapped my arms around her as well and buried my face in her neck, kissing the mark I gave her last night and inhaling her scent. She was massaging my head with her hand as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

"You okay?" She asked, pulling back. I nodded, shakily. She smiled and leaned up, kissing my forehead. "C'mon. Let's sleep." She pulled me down beside her and placed her head on my chest. I sighed and closed my eyes.

It was a dream, Darius. A terribly horrible and stupid dream. I repeated again and again in my head.

In a few hours, we both woke up again and got ready for today. I for the battle and she for her first day as incharge of our pack. She looked so beautiful in her white shirt and dark brown trousers. Her hair tried in a French braid.

She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me. I sighed, kissing and resting my chin on her head.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." I said. She shook her head.

"Don't say anything. This silence feels good." She sighed. I chuckled.


"Shh." She hushed me. I chuckled and lifted her chin up, leaning down to kiss her lips. I caressed her cheek, pouring all my love into that one kiss.

"Alpha Darius? Should we leave now?" Someone mind-linked me. I pulled back and kissed her head.

"I gotta go." She nodded. I took her hand in mine and gave it an assuring squeeze before kissing it and smiling at her. "And yeah, all the best for your day. You're gonna be an amazing Luna."

"Thank you." She whispered.

I finally stepped out of the room and made my way to the warriors. Without wasting any time, we instantly left for Alora.


Cassandra's POV

I pulled my hair to one side and saw the bite mark that Darius gave me yesterday. It was starting to heal so I guess, soon it will become a tribal mark like Darius's.

Darius... I miss him already.

Sighing, I stepped out of the room to my new pack. On my way, I was met with Ella who was playing with Annette.

"Luna!!" She screamed as soon as she saw me. I picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, Ann. You enjoying yourself here?" I asked her. She nodded with a goofy smile and giggle. I kissed her head before putting herself down and walking to the other members who looked like they were having a meeting.

"Luna." People said when I reached them. "Have you thought who will be the Beta?"

"I have." I smiled. "Travis." Travis nodded and bowed his head.

"What!?" Gabriel asked. "He attacked you! How can you trust him?"

"He didn't. He backed down." I softly said. "Plus, everyone should get a chance to make things right." I shrugged, putting Annette back on her feet. "Also, I have talked with the King and we will soon have a new packhouse made for you."

"Thank you, Luna."

"And one more thing," I cleared my throat and looked at Annette. "Ann, go find Ella for me."

"Okie-dokey!" As she left, I turned to the others.

"Anyone willing to take responsibility of Annette?" I asked. "The thing is, Ella is Alpha Connor's mate and she will soon have her duties and it will be difficult for her to take care of Annette. So, anyone?"

No one stood up.

I understand them in a way. I've heard element witches are difficult to bring up.

"I am." A voice boomed from the crowd. People made way for the man to step out of the crowd and I was surprised to see the hybrid smirking at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked, a little unsure myself.

"Positive. And not only me, but Gideon will be there too. He's been very fond of the kid lately." He rolled his eyes.

"Well, that's nice. It's all sorted then." I smiled. "Oh and, the packhouse will be completed in say 5 months and please make sure children stay away from the construction site."

All the people cheered and clapped their hands, talking among themselves.

We then classified other things like the warriors and omegas and healers as well. Everyone was given a role to perform in the castle and pack-house and I believe they would do their best.

"Thank you, Luna." Travis whispered before walking away and so did everyone.

"It went well." I patted myself.

"It surely did." Jarvis chuckled.

"Where's Gideon?" I asked.

"He's playing 'Magic-Magic' with the little witch." He said, making me laugh with him. I stared at him for a moment before humming. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing. You just make me feel like we've met before." I smiled and shook my head.

"Yeah, well. Seeing you in Alora was surely surprisingly." He shrugged. I nodded but paused when I finally registered what he just said.

"What do you mean.... Oh. It was you who saved me that day in Alora?" I asked. "From the hunters and rogues."

"Yes." He smiled.


" 'Cause I'm your protector and that's what I'm supposed to do. Protect you."

"I'm sorry...what?" I frowned.

"I-" he started but was cut off with a loud screeched scream. My ears perked up and I wasted no time in making my way towards the direction of voice with Jarvis following behind me.

It was near the babysitting hall. Annette was crying out loud, being held down by a blood sucking monster who was ready to dig in his filthy fangs into her flesh anytime now.

"Finally, the White Luna decides to make her grand entrance." The vampire holding Annette smirked, his already red eyes staring right into my now purple ones.

"Let go of her." I gritted, lowly but dangerously.

"One step ahead and my dear friend up there burns down the entire shitty castle of yours." He said with another smirk, holding his hand up, pointing at the roof of the castle. There were three other vampires. Two of them where sprinkling kerosene around while one of them held a lighter.

Suddenly, a pair of handcuffs was thrown at me.

"Cuff your hands behind, you stupid white bitch or I'll kill this little piece of shit as well as burn the castle down."

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