Chapter 1

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Characters above! Story begins below!

People say when you love something, it's hard to stay away no matter what; it could be a deadly disease and you still won't be able to stay away. From two different worlds but two sides of the same coin.

It's almost like you're within reaching distance from them but yet you aren't allowed to touch them, embrace them, love them, have them.

You could only admire them and dream of them. Ophelia stared out the window of the class, drowning out the teacher’s voice.

Chin resting on her palm while her fingers were resting on her cheek. Sweat and water dripped off muscles of the boys outside as they all ran around, dribbling the ball, and breaking each other’s ankles.

There was one that caught her eye the most, Ryan Andrews, a handsome guy. Light toned skin with greenish brown  eyes to go well with his features and black thick, curly hair that shined whenever the sun was on it, at the right angle at least.

A sigh escaped her lips but soon a smile appeared on her lips. One of his teammates tapped his shoulder and pointed at Ophelia.

Once his eyes met hers, Ryan sent her wink causing Ophelia's eyes to widen before she ducked out of view. Ryan chuckled before tossing the ball back to his friends.

"Stupid," She scolded, "I'm so stupid!" "Miss Danvers, care to repeat what you said." All eyes were on Ophelia.

Her teacher crossed his arms as he leaned against the edge of his desk, eyes as calm and annoyed stared at her, waiting for an answer.

Ophelia shook her head, "No sir." Her teacher scoffed a little as he stared at her for a bit. Ultimately, he went back to teaching. Ophelia slumped down in her seat a bit as she felt curious eyes on her. Curious yet cold.

Ophelia once again drowned out the world around while she focused on the clock. The hands moved slowly but surely. The bell rang and students began to grab their things and leave.

"Miss Danvers, a word please?" Ophelia sighed as she looked down at her feet while students around left the room. Once it was just them, Ophelia turned to face him.

"Yes, Mr. Thompson," Ophelia crossed her arms, "you wanted a word?" Mr. Thompsons sat on his desk. He studied the girl, taking in every inch of her face.

"You've been distracted more often than usual. Everything alright?" He asks . She nods, "Everything is fine." He narrowed his eyes.

"Well I wish that you would focus in class. I don't care how well off your parents are, you still need an education and I am lucky enough to be able to give it to you. Do you understand me, Miss Danvers?" He said.

"I do, sir." Ophelia replies. "Good, you can go now." Ophelia scurried away with her books close to her chest. "Tell Sasha that I'll see her later tonight." Mr. Thompson shouts. Ophelia rolls her eyes.

'Of course. He doesn't really care if I'm paying attention or not, he only cares about Sasha.' She rolled her eyes. The halls were filled with students. Teachers were either too busy talking to each other while others were in the class.

Ophelia opened her locker. Her locker was decorated in pictures of her and a few friends. "Si ce n'est pas mon meilleur ami badass, Chun-li,(If it isn't my badass bestie, Chun-li).Comment ça va, bébé, (How's it going, babe)?" Ophelia chuckled at her nickname.

She closed her lockers and turned around, eyes meeting darker ones. A taller framed girl, rich brown hair and fair skin, stood in front of her.

"Sup Chlo, I'm surprised you didn't have detention again." Ophelia said. Chloe smiled at her friend's statement as they walked through the crowded halls. "I decided to be good," Chloe replied, "at least for this week."

Ophelia playfully rolled her eyes. Opening the front door, Chloe asked, "What are you doing this weekend?" "I don't know yet." Ophelia shrugs. "Well if you aren't busy, we should go see the Pirate Skulls concert that's happening downtown."

Before Ophelia could say a word, a black car pulled up beside them. They watched as the window rolled down, revealing a woman grinning.

Greediness was present in her eyes as she scanned the crowd of students. "Get in! We gotta go," She demands. "Fine. See you around Chlo," Ophelia waved at the other teen as she walked away.

Chloe gave a side smile as she waved back. As the window rolled back up, Ophelia saw Ryan coming out with his buddies. Beautiful and wide smile with his arms wrapped around their shoulders.

She could practically feel the warm and welcoming vibe radiating off of him. "That's Ryan Andrews isn't it? The guy you always talk about in your messages with that girl, whoever she is." The woman suddenly asked.

"First of all, that girl is Chloe, my best friend since elementary. Second of all, what the hell are you doing on my phone? Sasha, I told you to stay off my phone!" She told her.

Sasha only shrugged as she sucked on a cherry sucker. "Maybe you should lock your phone," Sasha says, "and maybe I won't go through your phone."

"I did but you still got on it." Ophelia heard her older sister snicker beside her. "Choose a harder password. By the way, if you want a guy to like you then you can't be acting like those tv show girls who hide from her crush and for sure can't be acting like a ghetto bitch either. You gotta be a lady like me."

It was the younger sister's turn to laugh. "If your definition of being a "lady" is acting like a hoe and giving up my flower to anyone who bats an eye at me then I think I'm better off acting like a tv show school girl." Ophelia laughs as Sasha mutters something under breath.

"Now where the hell are we going?" Ophelia questions. "Mom wanted to see us after you got out and that's all I know." Sasha replies. Ophelia sat back in her seat comfortably and looked out the window. Her eyes started to droop as she yawned.

She peered over her shoulder at Sasha, who was talking on the phone while she drove. Second by second, her eyes became heavier and heavier before she slowly succumbed to sleep.

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