Chapter 33

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The sound of the fire crackled could be heard from the other room as she rocked in the rocking chair, a book placed in front of her with a blanket on her lap. The soft tune of the music box hummed.

Flipping the page, Ophelia sighed peacefully. Trevor entered the room and kneeled down in front of her. His lips kissed her belly. "What are you doing,Trevor?" Ophelia questions chuckling.

"Shh! I'm greeting my son. Give us a moment." He harshly whispered before planting a kiss on her belly again. "You mean your daughter." Ophelia corrects. "Shut up! Don't jinx this princess." Trevor scolds before kissing her belly again.

Ophelia could laugh at his antics. Trevor rises to his feet. Ophelia struggled to get up even with Trevor's help. "I'm supposed to be at my yoga class, wanna come?" Trevor shook his head, "Yoga and I do not mix. Want me to drop you off?"

"No, I can make it besides you just got home from work so I just want you to rest." Ophelia tells him. Trevor pouted, "are you sure?" "Positive." Ophelia grabs his face and kisses him sweetly. "Trevor?" "Hm?" "I got to go." Ophelia says through kisses.

"Just," he presses a kiss on her lips, "one more." Ophelia pulls his face away from hers and holds him from a distance and laughs at his pouty expression. "Mwah!" Pressing one last kiss, Ophelia backs away from him and grabs her purse and keys.

"Be safe, love you." "Love you too." Trevor watched as she got in her car, backed out of the drive through, and drove off. Trevor stretches his arm above his head and walks back into the house. Trevor laid down on the couch and fell asleep. A loud bang woke Trevor up.

He looked down at his phone to check the time. It was nearly ten at night. Groggily, he answered the door, eyes still half closed. "Good evening, are you Mr. King?" Trevor nodded: "Yeah, who's asking?"

"The city state police," he answered. Trevor peered open his eyes to look at the two people on his porch. "I'm sorry but your wife was involved in an accident. She was rushed to the nearest hospital." Trevor’s heart sank at the news as tears flowed down his face.

"I'm sorry pal."

"Take me to her." He says.

"Pardon?" "I said, take me to her." Trevor repeated, demanding. The officer looked at his partner who only shrugged and agreed to. On the way to the hospital, Trevor looked out the window. Memories flickered. From the time they met to the time they first found out about the baby. Her smile, laugh, face, everything. Everything.

"Trevor quit it!" Her giggly voice echoed in his mind. "Take me wherever you go. Promise that you will." Her voice echoed again. "I love you more than anything, Princess. Now and forever." His own voice echoed. Trevor’s fist clenched as his teeth dug into his knuckles-tears running down his face.

'I shouldn't have let you go,' Trevor chastised himself, 'Not without me,'

Trevor rushed into the hospital and asked for her floor. Trevor arrived on the fifth floor, looking around frantically. Sloane called him over. She met him halfway and engulfed him in a huh while Felicity and Chloe stood up as well.

"How is she?" Trevor asked. "She's in critical condition but the baby suffered no harm." Sloane answered. Her hands rested on his arms while her forehead touched his. "This is my fault." Trevor chastised himself again. Sloane shushed him.

"You couldn't have known, baby. What happened is not your fault." Sloane assures him. "But it's my job to protect her. If I had gone with her, we wouldn't be here right now." Trevor argues, "I'm such a stupid fool." Trevor slid on to the floor, burying his face in his hands and crying. Sloane pulled away his hands and held them in hers.

"Trevor, honey, look at me," Shakily he peeped up at her, tears running down his face-eyes puffy," this is not your fault. I know it and Ophelia knows it. You can't blame yourself. Do you hear me?" Sniffling, he nodded. "Good." Sloane kissed his head before hugging him.

"Ophelia King's family?" The doctor asked. Trevor sprung to his feet quickly. "Yes. I'm her husband. How is she?" "She's fine. She just sustained some injuries to her arms and legs and her neck but she is fine." Trevor sighed. "Can we see her?" The doctor nodded.

Trevor, Sloane, Chloe and Felicity entered her room. Despite her condition, Ophelia smiled up at them with happiness. A baby rested in her arms. Trevor smiled at them before his eyes widened as they landed on another baby, twins, she had twins. A boy and a girl.

"Twins? You had twins?" Chloe beamed. "Yeah." The women rushed to her side, cooing at the newborn babies in her arms while Trevor only stood there, speechless. Sloane took the baby girl in her arms and swayed as she cooed at the newborn baby.

Trevor took a seat next to his wife and son. He pressed a kiss to her temple. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm okay but I'm just happy that the babies are alright." Ophelia replies.

"I'm sorry. I should've been there." "It's not your fault. I promise." "I know but-" "It isn't your fault and don't go around thinking that either." Trevor nodded: "Okay." Sloane handed Trevor over his daughter, helping him with his arms.

"Let her listen to your heartbeat." She advised. Trevor cradled the tiny girl in his arms. "Did you two decide on some names or are they gonna be the nameless twins?" Felicity asks. "Dean and Lydia King. Those are their names." Ophelia answered.

Lydia grabbed Trevor’s finger as she stared up at him with beautiful brown eyes. A tiny grin appeared on his face. It was later on that night, the girls left, the twins were in their "cribs" and Trevor was the only one up while Ophelia was asleep. He was staring down at the twins.

Dean was squirming around in the swaddle while his sister was still as a rock. Trevor found that amusing. A long and eery beep caught his attention.

"Ophelia? Ophelia!"

Trevor rushed outside, crying for help. A few nurses and doctors rushed into her room. Trevor could only watch from a distance and they tried to resurrect her. First CPR which came with no avail.

Someone had brought in a machine and prepped it. "Clear!" One of them cried out as the AED shocked her body.

Still no response. They tried it again and again until it was useless. Trevor cried out to her as a few nurses held him up.  "Call it."  The doctor said.

"Time of death: 12:55 a.m."

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