Chapter 31

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It is supposed to be one of the most magical moments of any woman's life, dress shopping. Ophelia would strongly disagree.

She stood in front of three mirrors in a dress that she would say is the most hideous thing that she has the misfortune of laying her eyes on. Feathers were nice. They were stylish and very soft but feathers were not supposed to make a bride feel like a walking chicken.

Sadly, not everyone would agree. Sloane wiped underneath her eyes as she teared up. "That's the dress. That is the one." She sniffs.

Chloe and Felicity shared a look of straight confusion and disgust before glancing back at Ophelia, who utterly presented a hatred and disgusted expression. Sloane continued to cry softly.

  The worker even gave Sloane a look. "Well um ma'am what do you think about this chicken- I mean dress?" She coughs nervously as she holds her hands in front of her, thumb stroking over her own thumb. "I don't know the exact words to describe what I'm feeling." Ophelia says.

Sloane's heart skipped a beat, beaming over at the girl. "I….I just….I mean I…I don't like it." Ophelia confesses as she watches Sloane's eyes drop while the others sighed. "I do suppose it does a little….much." She frowns. "I'm sorry, Sloane but-" Sloane waved her hand and dismissed the apology, "it's alright. I did forget that feathers aren't everyone's cup of tea." Ophelia offered her a sad smile.

"Are you ready to try on another dress?" The woman asks. Without a second thought, Ophelia nodded quickly. She followed her to the dressing room.

Hours passed and each dress that she tried on didn't seem to fit her, didn't make her feel like a princess. Just a girl in a white dress that didn't know her left from right. Ophelia slumped down in her seat in the dressing room. Her once neatly placed hair had strands of it sticking up as sweat dripped from her forehead in the somewhat toasty room. A knock came from the door before the woman entered her room with a dress. A beautiful gown.

"This dress was suggested by another customer. She noticed how all the dresses from before weren't you so she suggested this one." The woman explained, "I hope that's okay."

Ophelia eyes the dress with pure awe in her eyes. A hint of sparkle in them shimmered. Ophelia nodded. Felicity, Chloe, and Sloane conversed on the couch while sipping on wine. The woman announced her and Ophelia's presence. Eyes were on Ophelia as she strutted into view, clinching the edge of her dress as she walked. Ophelia turned to face herself in the mirror.

"That's the one! That is the one honey." Felicity shouted as she nodded.

"Beautiful." Sloane said. "Just gorgeous. Girl if you don't get this dress then I will cause. Ha!" Chloe told her. Ophelia turned and posed in the mirror, smiling with every inch she took in. "How much?" Ophelia asked. "Nearly two thousand dollars."

Chloe choked on her drink, holding her chest as she coughed, "Excuse me? I get a few hundred dollars but 2k?" "I can't afford it." Ophelia frowns then sighs before facing the woman. "I'm not getting the dress. I just can't afford it." Ophelia frowns even more.

She walks away, looking down at her feet with a deep frown present on her face and water in her eyes. After taking off the dress, Ophelia walked back into the lobby. Felicity and Chloe's eyes were trained on something as they sat side by side. Sloane on the other hand seemed confused.

"What's wrong?"

Ophelia tilted her head slightly. A man walked over with a huge smile on his face. "Congratulations on your purchase,  Miss Danvers. I know you'll just love your new dress." He beamed.

Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "I'm sorry there must've been a mistake, I didn't buy the dress." She said.

The man chuckles before clutching his hands together. "Oh trust me  dear, I know. That kind woman over there bought it for you." He pointed towards someone, someone who she knew very well. Her eyes widened then darkened at the person. Fists clenching as a low inaudible growl rumbled in her throat. She approached her with pure anger in her eyes.


"Before you say anything, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Ophelia scoffed as she spun. "You're sorry? You're sorry! My whole life has been worth nothing to you!" She screamed, catching the attention of everyone else around them.

Felicity and Chloe quickly rushed over to her while Sloane waited in the entrance of the store with her dress. "Cool it, Phelia. Everyone is watching." Chloe whispers. "I don't give a fuck! Why the fuck are you here, Sasha?!" She shouts.

Sasha flinched at the mention of her name. "Listen, I know you're angry but-"

Ophelia laughs humorlessly, "you don't know the half of it."

Her eyes glaring into her soul. "After all this time and the hell you put me through, you just waltz your ass in here and buy me a dress and you expect rainbows and sunshine?"

Sasha kept her head down. Before Ophelia could say another word, the store manager ushered them outside. Felicity, Chloe, and Sloane deemed it best to let them have their space.

Ophelia sighs and shakes her head. "Why here? Why now? You could've apologized when we were kids but you didn't, so why now?" Ophelia questions. Sasha sighs as well.

Her eyes darted towards the road, watching people pass by, before landing back on Ophelia, it was like she had to consider her words.

"I don't know. I…I guess since Mom did it, I guess I started doing it. I thought if I did what she did then she'd leave me alone and I guess I was right," Sasha said, "I never hated you I was just tired. Tired of it all."

Ophelia's fists began to quiver. "My life has been a living hell. Mom and Dad got divorced and she left to marry someone else. Dad has barely been around…..and me," she paused before continuing, "I turned to drugs. I started sleeping with Ryan even more and now I'm three months pregnant," Sasha revealed her growing bump, "Mom cheated me out of  my money so she could get booze and now I live in a semi good apartment with Ryan."

Ophelia didn't even react to the mention of Ryan's name. "I'm clean now, legit." Ophelia shook her head.

"I don't want your sad story so don't expect me to give you pity. Don't expect me to let you back in my life."

"I'm not asking to be."

"Then what are you asking for, Sasha?"

Ophelia tilted her head and crossed her arms. "I just want forgiveness, your forgiveness." Sasha confesses. Ophelia silently urged her on.

"I don't expect you to just forgive me now but I do hope when you look at your dress, that you will somehow manage to forgive me. All I can do is ask."

Ophelia looked down at her feet, eyes closed as she slightly shook her head. Eyes still closed, she raised her head. "One day but not today." Sasha’s heart fluttered in hope. "That's all I ask."

The sisters locked eyes. "Congratulations by the way." Ophelia tells her. "Thank you."

A silence falls between them. Ophelia coughed as she rubbed up and down her arm, gazing off a bit. "I gotta go. Take care." Sasha nods, "okay."

Ophelia walks away, she could still feel Sasha's eyes on her form as she leaves.

Ophelia peered at her one last time before getting inside and riding away out of view.

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