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It's been four years since Ophelia died. Trevor had to raise the twins on his own with the help of his mom, Felicity, and if you could even count Chloe as helpful then sure Chloe helped out too.

Trevor stared down at her headstone with his fists clenched tightly at his sides. He squatted down in front of the gravestone. His hand gently touched the cold stone, wishing to feel warmth but none came.

"I wish you were still here," he whispered, "you could've lived to see the twins grow up. God they remind me of you." Trevor offered a sad smile but one was not given in return. Trevor looked down, sighed then peered back up the gravestone. "If only you were here," Trevor whispers again.

He rises to his feet. Trevor jumps when he feels two hands touching him. He peers down into his own eyes. Dean stared back up at his father while Lydia gazed at Ophelia's grave with a saddened expression on her little face.

"Daddy, are you okay?" Dean asks softly. Trevor hesitated for a bit before nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine." He answers. His answer only encouraged Dean to cling to Trevor's side more.

Trevor places a loving arm around the twins. Nothing but silent words are exchanged between the three. They all could feel her presence but they couldn't see her. Trevor exhaled before opening his mouth: "Come it's getting late we should head back."

The twins gazed at their mother's grave before ultimately nodding. Trevor took their tiny hands into his big ones and turned to leave, only to freeze at the sight. A sight of a barrel.

"You don't need to do this." Trever said fearlessly.  "Nothing personal Trevor, just business." The man replied. The twins were gently pushed behind him.

"At least let my kids go." The man's eyes behind the mask gazed down at the children before meeting Trevor's and agreeing. Trevor stepped forward, his eyes were trained onto the gun, no ounce of fear could be seen in his eyes.

"I wanna see you." Trevor says. The man took his unoccupied hand and brought to his face, fingers grasping the end of the mask before pulling the mask off. Trevor scoffed as he saw the man's face.

"Never thought I'd see the day that someone that I trusted the most would betray me," Trevor says, "Reaper."

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