Chapter 2

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Sasha pulled into the parking lot of a huge store that stood taller than other stores around it. Ophelia was still sound asleep in the passenger side. Sasha poked her in a weak attempt to wake her up but it failed when she snored a little louder.

"For the love of.....Wake up!" Sasha shouts, clapping her hands loud. Ophelia jumps out of her sleep. Before she could even utter a word, Sasha mocked her. "Did I disturb your nap, sleeping beauty?" Sasha laughs.

Ophelia rolls her eyes and flips her off before getting out of the car. She shields her eyes from the sun's unwelcoming light and stretches her stiff limbs as a soft grunt leaves her lips.

"Patonya's? Are you serious?" Ophelia groans. Sasha nodded,"As a heart attack." The two sisters entered the store, instantly greeted by an older guy. He had no hair on the very top of his head but there was a little bit around the sides.

"Darling. Ophelia, Darling Sasha welcome to Patonya's," He greets, bowing, "Your mother is waiting for you in the back." Ophelia nodded at him before walking off. Sasha smiled at him. "Such a gentleman, Henderson." She kissed his cheek.

The older man chuckled softly as Sasha walked away, swaying her hips. "Oh darling." A voice laughed. Ophelia recognized the voice, a voice full of money and so smug to the point it surprises people of who the owner is.

"Ophelia! Just in time." Arms wrapped around the young girl. Before she could even return the gesture, the woman guided, well more like, pushed her towards another woman.

"This is my youngest daughter, Ophelia, the one I was talking to you about." Her mother said with the biggest grin on her face.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Fuchsia has told me so much about you." Ophelia shook the woman's hand. "Smile." Fuchsia whispered as if she was giving her a warning. Like magic, Ophelia's beautiful teeth came into view. "Nice to meet you, Mrs.....uh," "Dubois."

"Dubois, nice to meet you." Sasha came around the corner. "Harlee, nice to see you again!" Sasha hugged Mrs. Dubois tightly. "Nice to see you again, darling." Mrs. Dubois giggled.

"Anyway, mind telling me why we're here?" Ophelia asks. Fuchsia mumbles something under her breath before answering her, "We're here to find you a nice dress for dinner that we have with the Waynes. I mean a very nice dress that actually fits since you tore through your other ones that I spent nearly millions on." Fuchsia said, "Harlee has offered to help us with the search by letting you try on dresses here."

"But dinner is in a month and I have dresses at home." Ophelia frowned. "You've torn through all of them." Fuschia told her," God, you need to lay off those burgers, it's so unlady like the way you stuff your mouth."

Ophelia frowned deeper at her mother's words. Mrs. Dubois coughed awkwardly before a smile appeared on her face but it wasn't a genuine one or friendly one, more of a nervous and uncomfortable one.

"Anyway, this way darling." Mrs. Dubois placed a hand on Ophelia's shoulder and guided her to the back. Fuschia and Sasha sat down on a nearby couch and began to chat.

Hour after hour, dress after dress, all of the dresses that Ophelia tried on weren't the right least in Fuschia's eyes they weren't. "I hate this one." Ophelia says with her arms crossed and a scowl present on her face.

"Well I love it, you are wearing it to dinner." A smile presented itself on Fuschia's face, "Now go change so we go." Ophelia mumbled a few words under her breath as she stormed off. In the dressing room, Ophelia was talking to herself.

"Of course she loves it, she isn't the one wearing it. I still don't get why the hell I gotta go to that dinner anyway." Ophelia mutters, "I can't wait to move out and be on my own and do whatever I want."

Ophelia walked back into the lobby where Fuschia was talking to Harlee at the counter and Sasha talking well, more like rubbing up on Henderson. She pressed her soft plumped lips on his cheek.

Ophelia nearly gagged at the sight but decided against it since this wasn't the first time Sasha flirted with an older man. "Ophelia, let's go!" Fuschia shouts. "I thought I was riding back with Sasha." Ophelia questions. "I'm busy so Mom is taking you home." Sasha replied.

Ophelia looked at Harlee, who only nodded at her. "Fine, just don't kill him today. You look terrible in orange." Ophelia jokes as her older sister flipped her off. She said her goodbyes to Harlee before meeting her mother outside.

Fuschia was already in the limo, waiting impatiently for Ophelia. Getting in and sitting beside her, Ophelia stayed quiet. She occupied herself with her phone while her mother glanced at her every once in a while.

Clearing her throat, Fuschia turns to her youngest daughter, taking her appearance in. Her eyes weren't filled with admiration and love but disgust. Different from when she looked at Sasha.

"Little girls with manners know how to talk to their mothers and not be on their phones." Fuchsia said. Ophelia sighed as she put her phone away. She saw the disgust in her eyes, it was something that she was familiar with.

Her mother looked at her like that ever since she was a preteen.

"What do you wish to talk about?" Ophelia crossed her arms again. "Men. I want you to marry someone with money. They ain't gotta be good looking or young, you just need the money." Fuschia told her.

"I'm gonna be with someone for love not money. I ain't no gold digger like Sasha." Fuchsia swatted her mouth. "Watch your mouth little girl. Your sister has the right priorities and gonna be something in this world while you are gonna wasted on a bum ass nigga tryna love em. If he ain't got at least a thousand dollars to his name then go to another nigga that do." She tells her with confidence laced in her voice.

"Is that why you married Dad?" Ophelia cocked one of her eyebrows with a mischievous grin on her face. "Haha, very funny. But you're gonna learn," Fuschia smirked, "trust me."

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