Chapter 20

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Ophelia sat comfortably on her bed, watching a Christmas movie, drinking hot chocolate and cookies. A white strip of whipped cream covered her top lip even more the more she took a swig from her mug.

It was quieter without Sasha around with her little sneaky links and without Fuschia always on her back. It seems she busys herself more with Myles and his job.

Well more of the Christmas parties that his job throws nearly every Friday since the end of November.

So it was just her alone, aside from the maids and butlers that lived here. Tap! Tap! Tap! Her head whipped towards the window. Tap! Tap! Tap! Pebbles collided with the clear glass of her window, not leaving a scratch.

She opened the window and was greeted with the sight of Trevor, standing down on the brick road on the side of her house, with his hands in her pockets and a gentle and non cocky grin on his face. "What are you doing here? It's late at night." She asks.

"Thought I'd come and see you." He answers. Ophelia gave him a perplexed look: "Why did you want to see me?" Ophelia questions.

"Ma's not at home and I figured that you would be watching Christmas movies while eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate alone and from the looks of it," He smirked at her, "I was right."

Ophelia quickly wiped her mouth then stared back at him as he chuckled softly. "Are you gonna let me in?" Trevor asks. "Fine, come on up."

Trevor climbed up a nearby tree to jump onto the roof before climbing inside Ophelia's window.

Trevor took in his surroundings as he shedded himself from his jacket. "Nice room, princess. Smaller than I expected if I'm being honest." Trevor says.

"So out of all the people you could've gone to," Ophelia took a step closer to him, "why did you come here?" "Everyone else was asleep or out of town and I instantly thought about you, how you were gonna do anything." Trevor towered over her.

He briefly made eye contact with her before his eyes met the tv screen. "So, princess, what are WE watching?" Trevor sat on the edge of her bed, taking off his shoes and smirked back at Ophelia.

Ophelia rolled her eyes, sighed and sat beside him. "It's a romance Christmas movie," She answers, settling back against her bed rest pillow,"is that gonna be a problem Mr tough guy?" Trevor scoffed softly before scooting up next to her.

"Not in the slightest." Trevor was focused on the movie while Ophelia was more focused on her phone. Laughing every now and then, not paying much attention to the movie.

Soft quiet laughs could be heard by Trevor though she thought they weren't that loud and noticeable to him.

"I'll take that." "Hey!" Trevor grabbed her phone out of her hand and held out of her reach much to Ophelia's dismay. The more she reached, the farther away he held it.

Ophelia was now laying on top of him, one hand pressed against his chest as she reached. Trevor placed a hand on her hip. "Give it back." She demands.

"Reach for it, buttercup." He teased her, sticking out his tongue at her as she scowled at him. Ophelia stopped reaching for her phone and laid her hands on his chest as she sat straight up, comfortably on his lap.

Trevor admired the moon's light glowing behind Ophelia as she stared down at him. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. Trevor rested on his elbows.

"I…uh…I." He stammered. His voice failed him as his brain went numb. "I..uh…wha?" Ophelia leaned forward, smashing their lips onto each other. Trevor wrapped his arms around her waist, moaning in ecstasy.

Her hands slid up and down his chest, gripping his shirt every now and then. Trevor hummed and moaned while Ophelia's tongue explored each inch and nook of his mouth.

She sucked on his tongue before pulling away. Their foreheads rested against each other as their eyes closed and nothing but music from the tv played in the background.

"Fuck," Trevor whispers, gently rubbing his forehead against her. "Trevor?" "Hm?" "What are we gonna do?" Trevor sighs, "I don't know, baby." Ophelia sighs. "I want you. Please tell me you want me too."

It sounded as if she was begging, pleading for him. For him to want her too. "You know I wouldn't be here if I didn't," He responds. He lifts her chin up and leans forward, lips brushing against each other, mouthing the words: Be with me.

"I will, baby," Ophelia seals their new relationship with a kiss, "I will."  

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