Chapter 7

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Ophelia waved as Ryan pulled off. The ride was quiet to say the least but Ryan tried to lighten up the mood with music. It worked for the most part. They began to chat about simple things, even exchanging numbers. Now here they were.

Ryan drove away with Ophelia waving as he left their driveway. Ophelia smiled slightly as she entered the mansion. "He's a handsome young man," Ophelia jumped at the sudden deep voice's intrusion, "fit as well too. Looks," the voice paused as the owner faced Ophelia, "manageable."

Ophelia sighs. "Dad, he isn't a business sale or something like that." She frowns as her father just shrugged. "I don't see the difference." Her father walked away.

Ophelia shook her head before heading upstairs. Her eyes widened at the sight of Fuschia and Sasha in her room, on her bed, chatting away like they were old friends.

"What are you guys doing in my room?" She asks. Throwing her binder on the desk, Ophelia watched as her mother's face became hard as stone and Sasha just smirked mischievously, her eyes held a type of evilness like an enemy lion seeing his opponent.

"Where were you? Sasha was waiting for you at your school and you were nowhere to be seen?" Fuschia questioned. "I hitched a ride with Ryan Andrews and he dropped me off since Sasha was nowhere to be seen." Ophelia replied.

"I was there." Sasha tells her. "No you weren't! I looked around for you and you were nowhere to be seen!" Ophelia shouts, "Besides Ryan offered so I wouldn't have to walk. He was just being friendly."

"Oh please I saw the way you were giggling and smiling at him when you walked out. I was there, you were just too lazy to come to the side of the school."

Ophelia laughs bitterly at Sasha's statement, "Oh so it's my fault that you weren't in the parking lot or in the line? How the fuck was I supposed to know that you were on the side of the building? Besides, how would you get home before us if you were there?" Fuschia scolds her with a glare.

"I left before you guys pulled off." Ophelia groans loudly, throwing her hands up in frustration, "Oh great. You left before us just great. You could've just texted me and told me where you were." 

Sasha just shrugged. Fuschia stepped dangerously close. "Listen here and listen good, I don't care if you gotta walk home or not but if you ever get in that car with that boy, it's gonna be me and you." Fuschia threatens, poking her chest a few times.

"But I made it home safely. That's all that matters, right?" "You heard me little girl and try to cross that line again, I dare you." Fuschia pushed past Ophelia, shoving her to the side.

Sasha strutted out of the room with a satisfied smirk on her face, blowing a raspberry at Ophelia before leaving. "And you better mind your damn language! Only trashy girls curse!" Fuschia shouts.

"Must be talking about herself." Ophelia mutters under her breath. Making up her mind and closing her door, Ophelia snuck out her room and onto the ground.

Getting on her bike, she pedals away from her mansion without being seen. Which wasn't a shock to her.

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