Chapter 32

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Trevor paced back and forth, biting what was left of his nails. Was his bow tie tight? Would he slip and fall? Would Ophelia reject him? What if he forgot his vow better yet what if he forgot how to read? The possibilities are endless.

A knock came from his dressing room. "Come in." He called out. Sloane walked in with a big grin on her face. A loving and tender grin. She reached out to stop him, to touch him.

"What's on your mind, my love?" She asks softly.

"It's nothing."

He brushes off. Sloane's grip was firm on his shoulders, preventing him from moving. "Talk to me, baby." She tells him. His eyes darted from one side to another before focusing on her. "I'm scared,Ma," he confesses, "what if I screw up? What if she leaves me? God Ma." Trevor plopped down into a seat below him and buried his face in his hands. Sloane only smiled tenderly as she kneeled down in front of him, hands gently laid on top of his knees.

"Look at me son." She orders softly. Trevor removed his hands and looked at her. A warm smile never left her face. "You're gonna be just fine, I promise. I know you're nervous but trust me, my dear, you are gonna be just okay." She assures. Trevor nods as he takes a deep breath. "Okay. Okay, you're right." Trevor says, "Thanks Ma." Sloane stands on her tip toes and presses a gentle kiss on his cheek. A knock caught their attention, "Come in." An instructor poked his head in. "Mr. King, it's time. They're ready for you." He tells him. Trevor nods. The instructor leaves.

Trevor's shoulders slumped as he sighs before reaching for the door knob. He looks over his shoulder at his mom who only gave him encouragement from her smile and hand gesture. Trevor leaves the dressing room without another word.

Here he stood in front of two large doors that'll lead him to the chapel where all eyes would be on him, where they would watch with love or judgment. Trevor couldn't tell but he did know that all eyes would be on him. Trevor took a deep breath before opening the doors. His breath hitched as he scanned around the room. Everyone was looking at him, everyone. Even his uncle Butch who somehow managed to have a flask full of God knows what type of liquor with his damn near toothless mouth grinning at him.

Trevor shook his head before taking one shaky step. Trevor felt sweat trickle down the surface of his back as he took another unsteady step. One step after another after another. Soon, Trevor found himself standing in front of the priest and his groomsmen.

"Relax Trevor." The priest whispers to the younger male.

Trevor nodded and exhaled once again. Music began strum along, the doors opened. Each bridesmaid, including Chloe as the maid of honor, walked in a single file line with smiles on their faces. Soon Trevor's eyes landed on Ophelia. She was stunning, absolutely stunning. Like an angel in heaven. Trevor was nudged in the arm by one of his groomsmen.

"Help her." He whispered loudly.

Laughter erupted as Trevor lended Ophelia his arm while she gripped the end of her dress and stepped onto the platform. Handing over her bouquet to Chloe, Ophelia turns towards Trevor, both of her hands resting in his hands. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the matrimony between this man and this woman." The priest says fluently. Trevor and Ophelia smiled brightly as the priest continued on with his speech. The couple zoned out everyone around them as they focused on only each other.

"You look beautiful." Trevor tells her. Ophelia giggles coyly at his compliment. She looked at him through her lashes. "I'm surprised that you even dressed up considering that you hated dressing up for prom." Ophelia jokes. Trevor snickers as he shakes his head. The couple exhales.

"I still can't believe we're here." He says. "I can't either." Ophelia mouths the words: I love you, as the world around them faded back in. "Do you, Ophelia, take Trevor King as your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asks.

With a grin on her face, Ophelia parted her lips and answered, "I do."  "And you, Trevor, do you take-" "I do!" Trevor cries out. The crowd laughed at his certain outburst.

The priest chuckles before clearing his throat.

"Well then, Trevor, would you care to share your vows?"  Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled a sheet of paper. His eyes scanned the sheet before clearing his throat and beginning to speak. "Ophelia, the love of my life, the woman who has brought me so much joy, I promise to cherish you, honor you, and protect you with every part of my being. You've taught me how to love, how to trust, and how to allow people to be there for me and for that, I am eternally grateful. So I make a promise to be the husband for you, now and forever more." Ophelia sniffles as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Now for you, Ophelia." Ophelia nods as she takes a sheet from Chloe. "Trevor, when I first saw you, I have to admit, you had a pretty punch-able face," the audience laughed along with Trevor, "and not once did I think that the same guy that I met at that party would be the same guy that I'd end up marrying. When I was broken, you were there. When I thought about giving up, you were there to lift me up and that I am grateful. Grateful to have met you, grateful to call you mine. I promise that you'll never have to go through anything alone because I'll be there to support you, walk beside you, and love you. I'll be the greatest wife to you as you'll be the greatest husband to me." Ophelia says with a warm smile.

The ceremony continued. The couple exchanged rings and smiled at each other like a bunch of kids in love. With their hands entangled, the priest questioned, "Before I continue, are there any objections to why this couple shall not be married?" Nobody said anything- not like they would anyway but Ophelia's death glare was a warning to anyone who did have that idea.

"Well then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Trevor wrapped his arms around Ophelia, smashing his lips onto hers, moaning into the kiss. The couple broke away and walked hand in hand down the aisle.

(A little bit later)

Trevor laid on the bed-naked-eyes closed. He hummed in content as kisses trailed up his neck. A sigh left his lips as the bed rocked underneath him. Ophelia pulled away from his neck, allowing a quiet moan to escape her lips as her hips rocked. Trevor bit his lip as he stared up at Ophelia. He leaned up close to her face, an arm wrapped around her. He watched her reactions as he thrusted hard and fast up into her.

Ophelia's eyes rolled to the back of her head, voice hitching as a moan begged to be released. "Close?" Trevor asked. Ophelia nodded desperately.  "So am I." Trevor flipped them. He held her legs over his shoulders as he trusted deeper inside of her. "Tr…Trevor."

"Shh, I know baby. Go ahead." As if on command, Ophelia came. Her legs shook violently-walls clenched around Trevor, pushing him to his limit. Trevor smashed their lips together as he finished. Swallowing his moan, Ophelia felt a new sensation of warmth inside of her as Trevor spurted. The couple were sweaty, breathing heavy, and tired. "You just couldn't have waited until we got home?" Ophelia chuckled. "I'm sorry princess but do you know what you do to me when I see you in nothing but a robe?" Trevor licked a strip up her neck before placing a gentle kiss on her neck.

"We have nearly to get ready so get up." Ophelia tried to push Trevor off and to her dismay, he didn't budge. "Or we could do a quick round?" He suggested as he practically purred in her ear. Ophelia exhaled as she felt him move again. He brushed against her…."ah! Fuck, fine." Ophelia groans.

Trevor buried his face into the crook of her neck and grinned.

"I hate you." "Awe love you too, Princess."

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