Chapter 14: "I want to kiss you"

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-“Yes Ms. Miller” My tone was seductive.

-“We shouldn’t” I cleared my throat and pulled away.

-“We shouldn’t what?” I said smirking and she looked at me dumbfounded.

-“Not funny Cam, I’m not someone you can just mess with for your own fun and enjoyment” She seemed… hurt?

-“I was just joking, I know what was about to happen and I know that we shouldn’t, I wouldn’t mess with you for fun”

-“You wouldn’t? Because there’s a rumor going around that you are quite a player”

-“I wouldn’t, I’m not that type of person, I don’t like hurting others, the only reason this rumor exists is because I only do hook-ups, I don’t date”

-“Oh, well, it looks like we have something in common, why don’t you date?”

-“I haven’t found anyone interested in dating, plus I’m not exactly relationship material.”

-“Why would you say that?”

-“Because, I don’t trust easily and I don’t open up, I don’t express my feelings and I’m not comfortable talking about my past”

-“Yeah, I can see how these can cause issues in a relationship, but you are judging yourself too harshly, maybe you will be able to do all these with the right person”

-“I doubt it, there was a girl I really liked last year and I tried approaching her but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to her about anything”

-“But you opened up to me” She raised her eyebrows and I gave her a half smile.

-“I don’t know, it’s different with you, you are understanding and you made me feel like I could trust you” the conversation was getting heavy “Plus you are hot and I’m a simp for pretty ladies” I joked winking, to lighten the mood, she laughed.

-“Well, thank you for boosting my ego”

-“I didn’t think it needed any more boosting” She pretended to be offended.

-“I appreciate your kind words Ms. Thompson” she mocked me

-“Oh Ms. Miller, they were anything but kind” I said seductively and she blushed, at this point we were boldly flirting with each other, or at least I thought so.

I removed the ice from my hand and put the splint back on, she helped me tighten the straps, our fingers brushed.

-“I like your bracelet” I told her, she had a plain silver bracelet on her wrist, she looked at it and then at me.

-“Thank you” she said in a low tone.

-“What’s wrong?”

-“It was a gift from my ex” she mumbled

-“I know it’s a personal question, but what happened between you two?” She looked down.

-“I don’t want to talk about it Cam” her eyes were glossy and I hugged her.

-“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked” she sniffled and I hugged her tighter.  “I have to take a shower” I said and pulled away.

-“Need help?” She smirked and I laughed.

-“I wasn’t expecting that from you Ms. Miller”

-“You can use my first name when we are out of school”

-“Oh, ok” I said surprised and turned to go to the bathroom, I tried pulling the hoodie off on my own but couldn’t, so I went back to the living room.

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