Chapter 18: "We don't approve"

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Her parent's house, was a two-story house, significantly smaller than hers. We got out of the car and rang the doorbell, I stood behind Danielle, she was taller than me, so I was almost hidden behind her. The door opened and a sweet lady who seemed to be in her late fifties opened the door.

-“Dani, we missed you so, so much darling” she said and they hugged.

-“I missed you too mum”

-“And who’s that pretty girl behind you?”

-“She’s Camilla, my girlfriend”

-“Nice to meet you Mrs.” She shook my hand and eyed me and Danielle curiously.

-“Nice to meet you, Camilla, I’m Danielle’s mum, you can call me Mrs. Miller.”

We stepped inside a hallway and followed her mum.

-“Danielle is here, with her girlfriend” She announced.

-“Her girlfriend?” A man appeared in the hallway and looked at me shocked. “You have a girlfriend?”

-“Yes dad, can we please now start acting like normal people?”

We sat in the living room, I sat next to Danielle and her parent sat across from us.

-“Mum, Dad, this is Camilla, my girlfriend” She introduced me to them. They seemed troubled.

-“Have you two talked about you know what?” her dad asked.

-“Yes, she told me everything” I answered.

-“She told you?”


-“I hope your intentions are pure Camilla, I don’t want her getting hurt again” His tone was strict.

-“Dad” She warned him

-“I mean it Danielle, I don’t think you could handle such pain again.”

-“I trust that Cam won’t hurt me”

-“How do you know, Danielle, you trusted your ex as well and you saw what happened” He raised his voice and she slouched her shoulders, she was hurt by his words.

-“Mr. Miller, I assure you I would never hurt her on purpose, I care about her, a lot, and I can’t wrap my head around what her ex did, I still wonder how can someone hurt such a kind and loving person” I squeezed her hand and she pulled me into a hug, their expressions softened. She turned and looked at them.

-“So, our daughter must really like you if she was nice to you, she’s not exactly friendly.” Her mother joked, I laughed and Dani pouted.

-“Oh trust me I know, I got a nice taste of her mean remarks at the beginning” Dani nudged my arm and I did the same to her.

-“So, how did you two meet?”

-“We met through a friend, but we didn’t really talk until one night I bumped onto her at a club.”

-“Is that all?” her mum asked

-“Well, I was drunk and she took me home and made sure I was alright, since that day we started talking more and at some point we became a thing”

-“That’s such a nice story, and if you don’t mind me asking, you seem a bit young, how old are you?”

-“Uhm, I’m nineteen” Her mum’s eyes widened

-“Danielle, don’t you think she’s a little young for you?” Dani sat there awkwardly. “Jeez Danielle, she’s barely an adult”

-“She’s nineteen mum not eighteen”

-“Like that’s a big difference, have you lost your mind Danielle? Are you so desperate that you date kids now?” Dani’s breath hitched and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. I hugged her and she hid her head in the crook of my neck.

-“Stop it Samantha, you are hurting her feelings” her dad whisper-yelled at her mum. I rubbed circles on her back.

-“Shhh, it’s okay” I whispered in her ear

-“I know I’m younger but it’s definitely not about being desperate, it took us a while to open up to each other and for her to trust me, she wasn’t desperate, she was cautious and I was persistent. She earned my trust and I earned hers, and will all due respect, I don’t think it’s right of you to judge so fast» I said and Dani’s grip got tighter on me.

-«Excuse me» Her mum said and got up and left, her dad apologized and followed his wife.

-«Danielle» She wouldn’t lift her head «Dani please look at me»

-«I didn’t think it would go like that, and even if it did I thought I would be strong enough to take their mean comments without breaking down.»

-«Dani, it’s ok, your mum was harsh and from what you described she’s not always like that, you are not used to it and it got to you, it’s okay. Not to mention that you must be exhausted, you woke early drove around town packed, and drove all the way here. I think we should go to bed and you can talk with your mum again tomorrow  when you’ll both be rested and calmer.»

She got up and took me to our room, I wiped her tears away and kissed her cheek. I went to the car and brought her suitcase to the room. She changed into her pj’s and lay on the bed, I laid next to her, she put her head on my chest and I played with her hair. She fell asleep pretty fast, I made sure she was covered and went downstairs to get my suitcase.

-«Camilla, can I speak with you for a moment?» Her mum said and I nodded. «Where’s Dani?»

-«She’s sleeping, she was upset and tired and I thought it would be better if the two of you talked tomorrow instead» She smiled.

-«Thank you for looking out for her Camilla, I know she seems tough, but she isn’t, her ex messed her up bad»

-«Yes, I know, I’ve realized she’s putting on a front, and I know why, we’ve talked about it, we’ve talked about a lot of things»

-«You are mature for your age, but I don’t like the age difference, especially since you are her brother’s age, you are so young you could have been a student of hers»

-«I understand Mrs. Miller, but I think you should talk about it with your daughter. Just so you know the age gap bothered us at first too.»

-«I’ll talk to her tomorrow»

-«Uhm, before you go, could I have some ice please?» I said raising my hand.

-«Oh of course, how did it happen?»

-«Motorcycle accident»

-«Oh you ride as well»

-«Yeah, I do»

I went to the room and iced my hand for half an hour, I then went to the car and took my suitcase, I carried it to the room, changed into my pj’s and lay next to her. I hugged her and closed my eyes.

Danielle’s parents

Danielle’s parents

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