Chapter 17: "The trip"

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We took the suitcases to the car and she started driving.

She’s been driving for quite some time when my phone rang, it was a strange number.


-“Cam, are you Ok?”

-“Dad is that you?”

-“Yeah, I just saw quite a lot of charges from the hospital, is everything alright?”

-“Yes dad, I just got into an accident with my motorcycle.”

-“Ok, bye” He hung up on me, I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw, I felt the car slow down and she stopped.

-“Hey, it’s ok” she hugged me, she wiped away the tears that started rolling down my cheeks.

-“He hung up on me”

-“He was probably worried, but too busy to talk”

-“Don’t do that, don’t make up excuses for his behavior.”

-“I’m sorry Cam” She hugged me until I calmed down. “How about we put on some music?” she suggested


-“You can connect with Bluetooth

I opened my Spotify Playlist and played hornylovesickmess by girl in red, she turned the volume up and sang along, I watched her and smiled, she was so perfect, the way her lips move and her eyes shine, I think I might be falling in love with her, maybe it wasn’t just a stupid crush. I kept playing girl in red and Fletcher and she knew all the songs, we sang along together, with music being on max.

After almost three hours of being on the road we stopped at a McDonald’s to eat something, when we were done we got back in the car. About half an hour into the drive I felt my stomach stirring, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn’t.

-«I don’t feel well»

-«Do you want me to pull over?»

-«No, I think I’ll be fine» She put her hand on my thigh. A few minutes passed and I felt sick.

-“Pull over” She slammed on the breaks and pulled aside, she rushed and opened the door for me, she helped me get out of the car, I held onto her for support and leaned forward. She held my hair back and I started gagging, but nothing came out.

-“I feel sick” I whined

-"I know baby” I turned to look at her.

-“Baby huh? I like it” I smirked

-“Shut up Cam” she rolled her eyes. I kept gagging and gasping for air, but I couldn’t throw up even if I felt like I had to, I was exhausted and my stomach was hurting. I went and sat at the car with my door open, she stood next to me.

-“Maybe if you try shoving your fingers down your throat?”

-“I’m not doing that”

-“You’ll feel better”


-“Alright, then what are we doing?”

-“I don’t know” I could tell she was getting annoyed . “I’m sorry, I’m tiring you” I looked down, I was being hard to deal with today.

-“No, you are not tiring me, I understand, you are tired and overwhelmed, it’s okay I just want to help you feel more at ease” a tear escaped my eyes. “It’s okay baby” she pulled me out of the car and into a hug.

-“I’m sorry, I haven’t had anyone caring about me that way for so long”

-“I know, it’s ok, I understand” I hugged her tightly.

-“I think we can go now, I’m feeling better”

-“Are you sure?”


We got in the car and before starting she gave me a plastic bag.

-“In case you get sick and I can’t pull over”

-“Thank you, McDonald’s weren’t a good idea.”

-“Yeah, we should have eaten a few hours before leaving”

She kept driving and I started feeling sick again.

-“Shit” I mumbled

-“Do you want me to stop?” I opened my mouth to speak but felt the food coming up, she turned to look at me, I opened the bag but tried to keep it in, she slowed down and pulled over.  I opened the door and jumped out, she rushed to my side and held my hair back again. I leaned forward and threw up.

-“Oh God baby”

I started coughing which turned into gagging and I ended up throwing up again.

When I was done I leaned onto her for support and she almost carried me to thy car, we got in and she gave me a tissue, I wiped my mouth and threw the paper in the bag. I closed my eyes and she kissed my cheek which caused me to smile. She started driving again and I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

I woke up and the car was stopped and Danielle wasn’t inside, I started panicking, what if something happened to her, what if the car broke down and she went to get help and got lost, my heart was racing at the though of something bad happening to her, I tried calling her but had no service, just as I was about to go outside and start searching for her, I saw her approaching the car. I jumped out and run to her, I hugged her, almost tackling her to the ground.

-“I got so worried, I thought something happened to you, don’t ever do that again”

-“You were worried about me?”

-“Yes stupid, I- I care about you”

-“If you care please stop squeezing baby because I’m barely breathing” I chuckled

-“I’m sorry” I pulled her close and kissed her. “Where were you anyway?”

-“Uhm I.. I kind of had to you know” She said awkwardly.

-“Oh shit I’m sorry” I laughed “Let’s go inside, I’m freezing”

-“We only have an hour left”

-“That’s great” we sat at the car and she put her hand on my thigh, I took it and held it, it was warm and soft. “What are we telling your family about us?”

-“That you are my girlfriend, let’s leave out the student part, they won’t approve”

-“What about my age?”

-“We tell them the truth , unless you don’t want to”

-“I don’t care, oh we can tell them we met at a club”

-“That was the first time we interacted out of school, so I guess it’s not a total lie”


-“Will your brother be there as well?”

-“Probably” I started at her and my heart started racing. She stole a glance at me and smiled. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

-“Because when I woke up and you weren’t here I thought something bad happened to you, but now you are here”

-“You are so cute. Who would have thought that the infamous Camilla Thompson would be so soft”

-“Ey, I’m only soft for you, and wet but that’s another thing” She burst into laughter.

-“So I guess sexual jokes are our thing”

-“Until they are no longer just jokes”

We kept joking around until we finally reached her parents’ house.

A/N: A smaller update because I have to divide the story into parts and I don't know how.

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