Chapter 19: "Family dinner"

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I woke up the next morning and Danielle wasn’t next to me. I got up and after going to the bathroom I went to the living room, she was sitting there drinking coffee.

-“Good morning beautiful” I said and caught her attention.

-“Good morning princess” she smiled. I sat next to her and leaned on her shoulder.

-“Good morning Camilla”

-“Oh, good morning Mrs. Miller.”

There was an awkward silence, Dani wasn’t even looking at her mum and I felt uncomfortable, she obviously didn’t want me there.

-“Girls, it’s Christmas eve, we can’t be fighting” Her dad said walking in.

-“We are not fighting” her mum said

-“But you are not talking either”

-“Alright then” her mum said annoyed “I’m worried about Dani forming a relationship with Camilla. I believe Camilla is not old and mature enough for Dani and she’s going to end up hurting her, not necessarily on purpose. I’m worried that Dani will go down that spiral of depression and self-hate again”

Silence followed her words.

-“Mum, I’m going to be ok”

-“You don’t understand Dani how hard it was for me to see my daughter completely change, going from sweet warm and kind to cold, mean and distant, from being cheerful to not wanting to celebrate Christmas.” I looked at Dani and her eyes held a sad look.

-“I know mum” Was all she said and I held her hand. “But I want you to give Cam a chance, she’s also risking getting hurt and you know it.”

-“I do, perhaps I should try and be more open with you two.” Danielle looked at me and I gave her a small smile. She hasn’t smiled since we got here and I was starting to miss it.

-“Do you want breakfast?” Dani asked

-“Sure” We got up and went to the kitchen, she served me a plate of the already-cooked breakfast and I sat down to eat, she sat next to me to keep me company.

-“Mhm it’s delicious”

-“My mum cooked it”

She looked at me and I decided I need to cheer her up a little.

-“So, what are we doing today? “

-“We could go for a walk around the town, or we could sit here and cuddle under a blanket with a hot chocolate watching Christmas movies»

-«Let’s stay here and watch movies.»

-«Okay, I’ll make the hot chocolate, you go bring the blanket from the bedroom”

I did and she had already put two hot chocolates and a tray of cookies on the coffee table. We sat on the couch, she laid between my legs with her head on my chest, she pulled the blanket over us and I chose a Christmas movie that none of us had seen before. I was caressing her head as we were watching the movie.

-“If you keep doing that I’m going to fall asleep” I kissed the top of her head and continued doing it. Soon we were both asleep.

A light flashed waking both of us up.

-“Muuuum” Dani groaned

-“I’m sorry, I had to take a picture” her mum said and chuckled. She kissed the top of Dani’s head. “I’m sorry for being harsh on you and not trusting your judgment, sometimes I still see you as a baby”

-“It’s okay mum, I understand” Her mum left and she lay on my chest again. I tapped her head with my finger and looked up amused.

-“I guess the ladies are a great pillow” She chuckled and I tried to flick her, she stopped my hand and looked smirked.

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