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She looked good. Too good.

There were so many thoughts that were entering his head right now and he only now came to the realization of how true their 'like sex on heels' joke really was. Laura stood at the kitchen counter, brushing back her hair to put her last earring in her ear and there he was, sitting on the couch and just watching her as she moved from the bathroom in the hallway to the kitchen and back again. She wore a dark dress with the galaxy painted over it. A crescent moon and stars glistened and shimmered in gold in the light on top of the dark navy color. The shortness of the frock was showing off her legs again and Ross was having a hard time not coming up to her and running his hands all over them.

Her feet were adorned with Valentino's rockstud heels and the only reason why he knew which shoes they were was because Rydel had about five pairs of them and a few might have been thrown at his head during his teenage years when she got frustrated at him. The reasons were most likely warranted. His eyes back on her face, she was made up with simple makeup which only made her more beautiful. Ross watched her pucker up her lips and put another coat of a neutral color on them, and that made her dress stand out more. In his opinion though, she'd always stand out more than whatever she had on.

"Where are you going again?"

"Really?" Laura turned to him, sealing the tube of gloss up. "I've told you this about ten times today alone." She rolled her eyes. "I'm at Barnes & Noble until nine."

"The one at the Grove, right?"

"Yes...why don't you just come with me?"

"Because it's your event."

"Still, you could come. We can hide you in the storage room until it's over and then we can go wherever you like," Laura rummaged through the purse she was taking with her tonight and came to sit by him.


"Within reason," she pointed out. "You still have your thing early tomorrow morning and I have a few auditions."

"True, true," Ross's hand landed on her knee as she took a seat on the ottoman in front of him. "You look amazing, you know."

Laura looked up and smiled at him before leaning forward and getting a kiss. "Thanks. You sure you don't want to come with me?"

Ross shook his head. At least, he didn't want to go right now. He was actually meeting up with Sean Teale later to catch up and talk shop about the show that was going to be announced in a week's time to the world. Maybe later he would crash her Q&A session and ask her some inappropriate questions about her show. So, as she left to head to the event, Ross was out the door a minute or so later and headed to a hole in the wall diner to meet with his friend. It had been a few years since he saw Sean...three, in fact. They had met when he was still on Austin & Ally, striking up a friendship instantly when they were up for the same part in a movie. Neither had gotten the role, but did start to see each other all over the place. They had met up during R5 Worldwide in Europe and caught up on things, so when Ross heard Sean was definitely cast in Permafrost too, he was even more excited.

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