The Movie

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Magellan Augusta Snow. Private plane pilot and given special access to the US Air Force planes for secret and important missions for the government.

A student in university, she's the youngest of five children who were also named after famous explorers, and smart beyond standardized tests, but it doesn't inhibit her. She was recruited by the US government after stumbling upon a lost relic that opened up a world of treasure and her excellent tech skills. Now, they use her for finding even more treasures that have been lost in jungles, oceans and the most remote places unknown to man.

Laura set the first page of Magellan's bio down on the table. She was a bit scared of taking this role now. In the past, she was cast as the good girl, the southern belle, the safe girl - not the girl who can hack a government with her super tech skills and get away with it. Then again, she was also excited by it.

Magellan wakes up in the quarry after flying into a storm over the Bermuda Triangle

Laura filled up her glass of wine to the brim. She had a feeling she'd be needing every bit of the elixir to get the forty more pages of the bio.

Her skills are much different than the others who were taken. They're natural - doctors, teachers and fishermen. She's technical and wastes no time in asking questions and demanding answers. Among her closest friends in the quarry are Drs. Sarah Harrington and Rory McLaren, who both balance her out.

Laura heard her dad come in from the garage and out of the corner of her eye, and saw him kiss her mother on the temple. While she was 24, and could be living in her own place, with working on First Aid for the past three years and splitting her time between LA and Savannah, Georgia, it just didn't make sense. Now, with her leaving for another continent in a week, the house hunt would definitely be put on hold.

"Hi Laura," her father said in passing.

"Hi Dad," she greeted him in return, her eyes still on the papers in front of her.

She learned the meaning of the name and why the profession was chosen. She learned of the things that shaped Magellan too - her hobbies, her skills, her friends, her love life, or lack of. Laura learned about our feisty-ness and how she mellows around the other Ten, or most of them. She learns of her hatred for Izel and deep inside, Laura is a bit sad about that since she was sure Karen was going to become one of her favorite people. She learns of her even more instant connection with Amunet and how his almost death shakes her to pieces.


She pops out of reading, blinking more than she usually does at her mom. "Sorry mom."

Ellen pulled a tissue out of the box on the table for her. "You okay, sweetie?"

"Yea," Laura took it, blotting her eyes. She honestly didn't even know she was crying over it at all. "This isn't even the script and it's intense."

"I'm kind of afraid of when you do get the script," Ellen patted her knee. "Dinner's almost done."

She hoped and prayed the script was this intense, because she loved it. Sure, First Aid, had been intense in some parts - mostly during the many love scenes, but this was intense on a whole other level. And she loved it. It was like nothing she had done before.

His highlighter was almost empty, and it was brand new. Shaking it violently in the air, Ross ignored the snickering from Ryland who was doing nothing but watching him study his role like Rydel studied for her chemistry finals, and currently inhaling the last of the giant sized Cheerios.

"I've never seen you study this hard."

"Same," Ross looked up from the papers for just a moment. "This guy isn't like any other character I've played. Just listen," he skimmed back a few pages to the facts about Dr. Rordan "Rory" Atlan McLaren, the holistic doctor who disappears from The Gate of the Gods in Peru after getting some children back on the road to health.

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