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Today was the day. The day when he would get off of work at 8:30 in the morning from working all night in the cool temperatures in the Strait of Georgia, and straight to the train station where he would pick up his stunning girlfriend from her train ride from Seattle. She didn't get in until around 11 and it gave him just a little bit of time to drag Sofia to breakfast, which was a daily ritual these days.

It had been two weeks since he last saw Laura and had been working on Permafrost with his new castmates and while he hated being away from her, he loved working with new people. He loved the plotline, which he was now sworn to secrecy on; he loved getting up at ungodly hours in the morning and working all day on a boat (for the most part); he even loved the city, although he knew he would since Calum had made it a point to tell his own parents all about his schedule so he was never alone in the city. Gotta love Calum.

Ross stepped off the boat, wrapping his coat a little closer to his body and picked up his step to catch up to Sofia, who played his love interest in the show, Korli Lennox. The two had just spent the majority of filming in Korli's little science lab on the ship and her trying to get his character, Joseph, to understand what the hell they were actually going to Antarctica for. Joseph, nor Ross, could comprehend all the scientific stuff she had been rambling about. In the real world, he knew that the glaciers were still melting away and on the show, it was that way too. The research team was heading there to relieve another, all who were researching for a cure, so to speak, on how to keep them from melting away. Half of the actual team was looking for the cure, and the other half were studying what was underneath it all and in the middle of understanding that all, Ross was thankful his character was just a science officer a.k.a. security.

Bumping Sofia's arm as he walked up to her, Ross pulled his hands into his pockets, trying to get them warm. "The usual?"

"Um," Sofia brushed her long blonde hair out of her eyes. "Can we do it tomorrow? Sorry, Ross. I know you're probably starving and will eat the entire breakfast menu at Lulu's, which I would love to see, but I'm so tired."

"But, food..."

"I promise, we'll go later with Laura and me and her can make fun of that vacuum you call a mouth."

"Sofia..." he started to whine. He was actually really hungry here.

"I promise, but I, unlike you, have to be back on this set in five hours. I need sleep."

Ross pouted for a bit as she walked off and headed to the crew van that was going to take her, him, Bruno Campos, Tequan Richmond and the youngest of them all, Cleo Massey (who played his sister in the show) back to the hotel. Maybe he could crash the diner all by himself...or maybe, he could catch up on a little sleep before he went to the train station to pick up Laura. Either way, having breakfast without Sofia at Lulu's would not be the same. Just over the course of these two weeks, he and Sofia had become close, closer than he thought they actually would, since her character essentially pushes him to the side for the sake of science.

Resting his head against the glass window, Ross only closed his eyes for a quick second and when he opened them up, they were almost to the hotel. Maybe he did need the sleep more than the food. Maybe the food could come after he picked up Laura and they could stuff themselves together. Yea, that was the plan. Bed, shower, Laura, food. Lots of food. He trudged up to his room on the twelfth floor, tossing his coat, phone and keys onto the catch all before he dived onto the bed that he hadn't even bothered to make the night before.

He quickly set his alarm on the table beside him before letting sleep take over his body. Sofia was right, sleep was good. There were only a few hours left until Laura arrived and he was going to use them up by dreaming about her. If you asked him about the past two weeks and how hard it was being away from her for that long, Ross would tell you the truth: it wasn't hard. It wasn't hard because every night they would be on Skype or be texting back and forth. Laura had made him update his phone with all the latest emojis so they could have a full conversation of just emojis, which both amused and confused him all at the same time.

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