The Mighty Jungle

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The rain was still drizzling down over the tent they were in. It wasn't a complete downpour, but it wasn't a light drizzle either. The water was making the trees sing and was almost peaceful in her ears. Ross's arms were wrapped around her loosely, so if she wanted to, she could get up and dance in the rain like she was thinking about doing. But she didn't. She stayed right were she was and cuddled even closer to him. She breathed in his musky scent, her fingers lightly drawing circles over his chest - so lightly that he was still asleep next to her.

She had only woken recently, her eyes adjusting to her surroundings once again and remembering that she was in the middle of the jungle, celebrating her one year anniversary with the man of her dreams. Laura knew that it was early, but the exact hour was lost on her. According to him, they had a breakfast coming with another adventure that ended with a surprise. She was still on the fence about his surprises. Normally, they were good ones. Like when he surprises her with random trips to the beach or when she came home from an audition that went bad and he was cooking up a yummy meal for them to eat. She especially liked the surprises when he was teaching her something. Surfing was one thing and photography was another. She was still trying to understand what speed and what aperture to pair together on his camera when he let her use it. But this surprise...she was skeptical. Unless the surprise ended with Thong Kam drowning him in more water like their first day...

Laura smiled to herself, recalling just how wet he'd gotten from the flirty elephant and sat up, Ross's arms loosening from her body. She turned her head and watched him turn into the middle of the bed, his eyes still shut tight and hair falling over his eyes. She made a mental note to make him get it cut when they got back home. Not that she didn't like it long - she did. A lot - but, she was sure that CBS would make him cut it anyhow. She saw his hand jut out into the space she just occupied, feeling around for her frame, smiling at the way he was still searching for her. His groan came next as he realized he would have to open his eyes to find her and her lips curved even more, just as his hand found the lower part of her back.

Ross's eyes never opened up fully and he was pulling her back to his side and flat onto the bed in seconds, his arms wrapping back around her like she was a stuffed animal or safety blanket. "Mmm, better."

"You found me," her voice was hushed, as she was still listening to the rain music.

"Best snuggle buddy ever," he mumbled, his mouth getting buried in her hair.

She was sure she didn't look her best, but he was used to this. The messy hair, the horrible breath after a night of drinking with friends and more times than not, she would wake up and see him watching her and that was after he had taken a picture on his phone to show her how she really slept - her mouth wide open, arms over his head and the sheets completely off of her and on the floor. Today, she wasn't like that at all. Her hair was still in the condition it was yesterday - a messy ponytail on top of her head, a loose tank top covering the top half of her body and lacy boyshorts that he always said made her look sexy.

"Snuggle buddy?" She felt him nod before he turned back onto the bed, his one arm flying to the other side of the mattress.

"I had some other titles, but figured snuggle buddy was the best," Ross said, while trying to get his eyes adjusted to the lightness of his surroundings. His other arm was tucked underneath her shoulders and he pulled her closer into him. "Morning."

"Morning," she smiled up at him before he connected their lips.

"Did you sleep ok?"

"Yea," she nodded and looked back out to the rain. "I love the jungle rain. I wish LA got rain like this."

He chuckled. "Yea, if that happened though, we wouldn't ever get out of bed."

"Not necessarily a bad thing," Laura pointed out and they really wouldn't. The last time it had rained in LA, which was a while ago, they both called and cancelled all of their appointments and stayed in bed. If she recalled, they only time they actually emerged from the bedroom was to use the bathroom and re-hydrate. She hadn't put one piece of clothing on. Slipping into the crevice of his arm and side, Laura started to draw circles on him again, the tips of her fingers making little marks like she was giving him a tattoo. "Did you ever think we wouldn't work out?" she mused, not actually aware she said that out loud.

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