Romance in Toronto

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There is a part that is M-rated

His flight had arrived earlier than he expected it to. He had hopped on his flight from Vancouver, were he was filming one of the last scenes for Permafrost before the cast's hiatus, to Toronto, where he would hop right back on the promo train for Into The Air, which apparently was indeed called Dix in Canada. His bags now safely in his room and him sprawled out all over the bed, he knew he should at least get up and take a shower but he didn't want to at all.

"I need to get over this not being able to sleep on a plane thing," he muttered to himself, kicking off his shoes to the floor and grabbing a pillow to place under his head. He didn't even try and remove the coat over his body because it was cooler than normal in the northern city.

As far as he could remember at the moment, Laura was on her way and should be touching down by seven and their actual first event for the festival was tomorrow in the afternoon. That would give them time to sleep and eat and spend some time together just the two of them. After reconciling at Cinespia, the two had just about two days before she was off to Venice for that film festival and he was back to Vancouver for a re-shoot and new scenes for the show. It didn't give them much time at all to be with each other and he knew that they needed that. He needed it. He needed to have her in his arms and feel her heartbeat next to his and to stare into those gingerbread eyes that made his heart do backflips. He needed that.

Sliding out his phone from his back pocket, Ross quickly checked the charge (65%) and his messages (currently standing at 146 unanswered and unread emails and 2 text messages). Double checking the texts to see if they were from Laura or emergency pertaining (they weren't), he placed it on the side table and closed his eyes tight. It was only 3:30 right now. That gave him just enough time to take the nap his body had been craving, eat a little snack and hopefully get the airplane stink off of him.

His thoughts kept going back to the two days that they had before things picked up again. He thought of her giggle as he chased her down to the pool at their apartment and how much he loved holding her hand while they walked just around the neighborhood. That was a risky move, he had thought, but she said they both needed the fresh air. The other option to that was her taking him hiking which he would crap out on in the first step. He loved her, he hated hiking. He thought of her attempting to make dinner all by herself and him coming to rescue not only his stomach but her own. While he loved all that stuff, he also loved the mundane things they'd ended up filling most of their time with - paying the rent, doing the laundry, making sure their cars were going to be safe and sound while they were out of the country. A little not in his mind scribbled down, thank Laura's parents with something from Oslo, or one of the other cities they'd be visiting after Toronto.

In between everything though, they did talk everything out again. He needed to be sure she was actually all in with them. He'd been in too many relationships that burned him and while he knew Laura would not be like them at all, he needed reassurance. He needed her to tell him that he was being ridiculous and smack him against the head because when Rydel did it, it didn't stick. He let out all his worries, she scoffed at most of them, even though they were warranted. He didn't know why he was so worried. Maybe it was because after seeing her being taken away from him right under his nose when they were teenagers, he thought it would happen again.

"You're being ridiculous Ross."

"Why? Why am I being ridiculous?"

"Because I'm not going to leave you. I'm with you until the moment you get tired of me and even then, I'll still be yours."

"Until I get tired of you? I think it's the other way around."

She paused, leaning against the counter, as they cleaned up from lunch. "Why though? Why are you so worried about me leaving or us not working out?"

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