Save A Dance For Me

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Hustling, hectic, humming, popping. All words to describe Ross's week. It wasn't just busy, it was hustling - him being inside a car more than he'd like to be; hectic - running from one meeting to the other and trying to stay awake all at once; humming - meetings that went by in a blur that even he, nor his new publicist, could tell you what went on; and popping - filled with so much excitement about the actual Los Angeles premiere of the film that was on everyone's radar, the film that would hopefully be a box office hit and the film that was sending him all over the world. No, busy just didn't seem to cut it.

Though, he didn't mind it. He was always one of those people who liked being overbooked and insanely busy versus the one that was buried in a mound of blankets and playing Xbox all day because the phone wasn't ringing and they were that out of work actor that no one wants to be. He liked being busy and meeting new people and talking with them about this film that he, and the rest of the cast, were insanely proud of. He told the press about getting back into acting after R5's tour and how the movie actually dropped into his lap randomly. He told them about his friendships with everyone and even let them in on something special about Laura - which was on the advice of that new publicist he had just hired.

Don't give them everything. Just one thing, the new guy, Robert, had told him. So, he did. Ross had signed with Robert's agency just a week ago and already was smacking himself and asking why he hadn't been with them since his Austin & Ally days. The agency repped a few other celebrity couples as well and knew how to handle everything. They were pretty brilliant. While Paramount had handled most, if not all of the press in the past, Robert and his agency were now getting him even more things. More interviews with major press, and the print magazines that no one has heard of, but get major circulation around the globe. He had just finished up 20 or so phoners about the movie and Permafrost, before Robert had allowed him to go back home for a minute. He showered and brushed his teeth, before eating the rest of the dinner he'd made last night for him and Laura. It was still good a day later, even more delicious to be honest. If this acting or music thing hadn't worked out, a pilot/cook wouldn't be a bad life at all.

Watching the traffic outside the window of the kitchen while putting the last bite into his mouth, he was greeted by female chatter and the opening of the door - something he wasn't prepared for. Quickly wiping his mouth, Ross left the empty container in the sink and raced back to the bedroom. He wasn't exactly presentable for any company other than Laura; and by not presentable, that meant completely naked. He heard the laugh as soon as he shut the door promptly put on some jeans before going back out.

"The gym has been good to you Ross."

He was greeted with the wiggling eyebrows of Laura's older sister and instantly felt his skin turn red, before she sat down on the sofa. He never really got embarrassed but when your could-be-someday sister-in-law sees you in the react. Sometimes in a not good way, sometimes in a really not good way and then there was him, who turned into a tomato.

"Why exactly were you naked?" Laura raised her eyebrow as he started to pull on his shirt he'd whipped out of the dresser.

He kissed her quickly, coming out with an excuse out of his ass. "Didn't want to get any stains on clothes?"

"Mmhmm, sure," Laura rolled her eyes. "I thought you had stuff all day."

"I do. I had this little two hour window, so I came home to shower and eat."

"And run around the place naked," Vanessa offered up. "That's what he does now."

"You got mean in San Francisco."

"I've always been like this."

"True story," Laura chimed in as she was plugging in her phone to charge up. "When's your next appointment?"

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