Too Soon

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"I really like this one."

It had been days since they announced to the cast and crew that they were a couple, waltzing onto the set on Thursday and watching as most of their cast mates either dropped their jaws, danced about or, most likely, went straight to Milo to find out who won the pool. As promised, Jenna got the entire thing on video and after convincing her not to send it to everyone she knew, including her boyfriend, Laura and Ross had had a great time watching it together. They were really impressed with Stevenson's straight face throughout it all. It was like he knew all along. Everyone had found out about the winner, Nikki, and in the midst of celebrating her win around the set, had slipped the money roll off to Ross.

It was in the middle of the night on Friday/Saturday morning now and she had been restless, not wanting to go to sleep but not wanting to stay awake either. He, on the other hand, was dead tired from filming another climatic scene all day. He was drifting off to dreamland when she stumbled upon the almost perfect charity for them to give half of the winnings to and she knew immediately that she wanted to visit too.

The charity, called T.E.A.R.S., wasn't far from their hotel or any of the sets and they both had the day off on Sunday. Making the plans and putting it on the calendar in her mind, Laura scrolled through their website, ooo'ing and aww'ing at every animal she saw up for adoption. The organization was a good one too. It concentrated on rescuing, rehabilitating, reuniting and re-homing lost, abandoned, abused and neglected animals around Cape Town and she absolutely loved that one of the programs they ran was dog walking. How simple and amazing was that? Dogs needed to walk and she fell in love with that aspect of it all, among other programs they ran.

Looking down at Ross, she smirked at his non-ability to keep his eyes open for long tonight. She pulled her glasses off and closed her laptop, sinking back onto the bed and snuggling closer to him.

"Aww, I like your glasses."

"I know you do," she smirked at him, her arm snaking around his middle. "You worked hard today."

"How is it possible to be so sore from just sitting in a chair all day? I do not know how people do it who have nine to five jobs. I'm now a fan of them all."

Laura chuckled at him, turning away for just a moment to dim the lights next to the bed and turned right back. "You did great though."

"You watched?" He opened one of his eyes to look at her.

She nodded. "Just like you watched me the other day with Karen. You know you're a great actor Ross and the scene you did today only reaffirmed that you were definitely the right choice for this role."

"Not as good as you, though," he said, his fingers threading through the loose hairs around her face.

"You already got in my pants, no need for all the flattery."

"Ha ha. I would say the same to you, but I'm telling you the honest truth. How lucky did I get to be dating you, an award-winning actress that people should be fighting over."

Laura leaned into him, a soft kiss fluttering across their lips. "I like you sweeping me off my feet. I can get used to this."

"Noted," Ross gave her another kiss, his lips not giving her any room to breathe or move. He rolled her over onto her back and his left hand searched for hers but ultimately gave up after he felt both of hers threading through his own hair. She loved kissing him. It was one of the best things to her and she could put this on the top of her 'What Makes Me Happy' list. She felt him start to stray from her mouth and even though it was torturing, it was the best kind of torture. "Tell me," he breathed onto her neck, "about the charity."

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