Moving & Made Up Stories

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Day 25 of 34 was going better than she expected it to. They were currently in the small town of Goodland, Kansas, which as you expected was in the middle of nowhere. The crew had really only stopped here for a break when the D.W. got the idea to actually shoot here. Day 24 consisted of him going through every possible townsperson up to the mayor and even the governor of the state to film a tiny short scene that would last about a five minutes at the most for the movie. He had gotten it done, which amazed Laura, and she was now on an old US highway, looking around the area of plowed corn fields and absolutely no one else in sight. There were old boards she could see behind a fence that was on it's last leg, indicating that someone, once upon a time, lived in this place, but now, the closest structure was a shiloh that looked a million miles away and now she was even more amazed at the people who cultivated and owned all this land and the hard work that they had to put into it every single day. Something, she wasn't sure she could actually do.

Day 25 started off with D.W. and her co-star, Michael, waking up at the crack of dawn and just driving to the middle of nowhere, where the crew had caught up with them. D.W. was a very hands on kind of director, filming little scenes himself that actually turned out better than anyone expected. The finished product with his scenes that were filmed on a simple iPhone were some of the best scenes in his past projects, and that's just what they were doing today. They had shot, and re-shot, and re-shot again, another fight scene with this newlywed couple who were moving from Tallahassee to Denver on a count of the wife's new job. At the moment, she was mad. Mad at her new husband for suggesting something ridiculous and, you know, forgetting to put a full tank of gas in the car.

She acted out the scene, raised hell and hoped she was scaring her co-star with her character Autumn's antics and he fought right back with her. It wasn't a long scene, but it was an important one - one that caused her character to question everything about their relationship and second guess if they were really going to make it in their marriage. Laura knew her character and she was one that didn't give up easily. Before Freddie left to film on his new blockbuster of a film, they had cooked up a backstory about this girl and the couple. She had come from a family who held high standards and failure was not an option, but then again, neither was jumping into a relationship at the first sign of love at first sight. That's what Autumn did. Autumn threw herself into the arms of Kavanagh, a charming and passionate man who had swept her off of her feet in the year they had dated and after a short vacation in Puerto Rico, they had come back with rings on their fingers and a hyphen on her last name. Now though, Autumn was having serious doubts about them as they were finding out things about the other that they hadn't over their year courtship. Important things. Things they definitely should've discussed before saying 'I Do'.

Now back on the road again, she was chilling out in the backseat in one of the vehicles of their seven car caravan. This was an indie film and flights two and from their locations weren't in the budget, nor were they necessary. Plus, it was kind of cool to have an actual road trip when they were filming a road trip. Her fingers flew fast over the keyboard of her phone, responding to an email from her sister about plans to come and visit her in San Francisco when another call came through. Rydel's name flashed on the screen and she didn't have to wait for her normal three rings to answer it right away. It was Rydel, and she was a pick up the instant you see it's her person.

"Hey, Rydel."

"Where are you?"

"Um, in the back of a car. You okay?" Laura cradled the phone in her neck while she readjusted her butt in the seat and glanced out the window.

"Ah, that's right. You're filming that movie still."

"Rydel, you sound like you're stressed. What's going on?"

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