And The Role Goes To...

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He thought he knew how to run. One foot in front of the other, a bit faster than walking from point A to point B. By now, after countless music videos with him running towards a girl, away from the law, sideways into a pool, he should have this running game down and memorized. Running away from fake terrorists along with Chris O’Donnell for his guest role on NCIS:LA has schooled him in running.

“Cut!” the director called and Ross collapsed onto the sandy beach where they were filming for the day. “Run it one more time!”

Ross lifted his head and groaned at the announcement. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“You get used to it, kid,” Chris laughed at his exhausted state and offered him a hand to get him back on his feet. “After this week, you’ll be in the best shape of your life. Ask Eric.”

“I know running. Running is supposed to be easy. How,” Ross took a deep breath, trying to settle his heart rate. “How are you able to do this day after day.”

“Like I said, you get used to it.”

They walked back down to the end of the boardwalk, with the fake terrorists by their side. He had been right. His first audition of that fateful day, which he liked to refer to as the ‘Ross Conquers LA Traffic’ Day, was for this show and he was ecstatic when they called him back for the role and he booked it. Much like Riker had jumped on the coffee table, Ross had jumped on top of his car and started dancing about it.

“Okay, everyone. One more time. One last run,” the director announced and Chris patted his back. “Ross, can you make sure you stumble just a bit so Chris can save your ass in this scene? It’s in the script, man.”

Saluting as a confirmation, the makeup team stepped back and he was ready to bolt once again.

“And, action!”

“Keep up kid!” Chris ran his lines perfectly, the stunt actors close behind them.

“If I was any faster, I’d be the Flash, G.”

“That would help actually,” Chris recited his lines just as Ross stumbled on the block of concrete sticking out from the boardwalk. “Damn it.”

The scene continued on, line after line, cameras following them along for the ride, and fake gun shots going off. This scene was honestly, one of the coolest he had even been a part of. It even topped the one from yesterday when his character, a Tom of some sort, had snuck into a CIA headquarters set on the sound stage as part of his storyline and the episode. He’d always wanted to be a super secret agent one day. Bucket list check.

Twenty minutes later, when the director yelled cut again, Ross was back on the sand. Still out of breath and not reaching for anyone’s hand just yet, he felt the buzzing in his back pocket. A groan escaped his lips and he shifted himself to pull it out.

“Ross. Call me ASAP. Movie news!” his agent texted to his phone.

“Ok, kids. Take a break. We’re coming back in 10 for Sam, G, and Tom’s scene with Kensi,” the director once again called and it gave him the opportunity to return the call before his agent went ballistic on him. The phone didn’t even ring once before his agent picked up.

“That was the quickest pick up in history,” Ross commented, picking himself up from the sand.

“Ross! Thank God you called back. You got it, you got the role!” Stella told him outright, not stringing him along for anything.

“What role?”

“The super secret movie, Ross. You’re Rory!”

“You’re shitting me.”

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