Chapter 115 The Storm

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The tall star beast escaped from the planet's atmosphere, drilled into the ripples and entered the universe again, leaped again without stopping, and finally reached a desolate star a little farther away.

The moment it appeared, the dwarf star beast, which had been dozing on its stomach, shuddered and stood up immediately.

After checking that my posture is fine, I raised my head, stupid.

Its companion was glowing red, and its flesh and blood were disintegrated so badly that the original whiteness could no longer be seen.


the tall star beast screamed fiercely.

Only then did the low star beast realize that it was deflated, and the low star beast became anxious, circling the tall star beast in circles.


Didn't the person bring it back?


But it was agreed that the person will be brought back!

"Ho Ho!"

What if I didn't bring it back? !

It's too noisy, the three sentences mean the same thing, the tall star beast couldn't hold back, and pia slapped the low star beast, the bloodstains and paw prints were printed on the low star beast, and the low star beast was sent flying out .


Don't make noise, shut up.

The tall star beast lay down on the ground, and when its mental strength recovered, the star beast's body began to repair itself.

The low star beast circled around it, circled twice and was glared at by the emerald green round eyes of the tall star beast, wailing softly twice, and under the death gaze of its companion, it also fell down.

This wait is half a day.

After all the fur had recovered, the tall star beast followed the low star beast and asked a few words. It was too late to find the nearest river to wash it. With blood stains all over its body, it used its innate ability again, leaped into space, and issued a continuous yell in one direction. roar.

The roar is silent, but the energy contains information fluctuations and continues to spread far and wide...

until the star beast on a certain planet hears it, stands up, flies into outer space, and replicates the energy fluctuation that is about to be interrupted, sending it back to the outer space. Passing from a distance, passing in the direction they came from.

If the universe is reduced to an observable size, it can be seen that energy travels in a straight line in a vacuum.

Passing through countless planets, the information contained in them is re-transmitted by countless star beasts.

Until reaching a distant planet.

The third legion is stationed on the main star.

When Chi Yao arrived, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Shi Xing, whose eyes were closed, floating in mid-air.

The next moment, Shi Xingruo felt something and opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little tired."

Shi Xing was exhausted from the battle of throwing back and forth in mid-air.

Before everyone could ask, Shi Xing said first, "Your Highness, Sister Erya, I saw a talking star beast again." After a pause,

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