37: What Boyfriend?

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A shadow fell before her eyes.

Nan Ge did not notice it at first, but later, she felt that the light in front of her was somewhat blocked.

The weather in Huai City had been fickle recently, so she did not think too much about it.

All her attention was still on Shen Yanqing’s good reviews.

Until Shen Yanqing’s message appeared.

She looked up obediently, a little confused.

The next moment, a man in a black coat came into view.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat.

It was the feeling that her brother had described last night. Her heart was racing anxiously.

Thump! Thump!

It was so strong that she felt she might have a heart attack anytime.

Nan Ge thought it was an illusion until the man raised his hand and tapped his index finger lightly on the glass window. His finger landed precisely on her head.

The heat that had just faded from her cheeks swept over her again.

Inexplicably, she thought of what he had said about her in the reviews: baby penguin.

Nan Ge could only think of one explanation for this nickname. Baby penguins looked silly, and she also looked dumb.

She blinked.

Did it mean he was stroking a baby penguin’s head now?

She was not a baby penguin!


The door of the milk tea shop opened and closed, and Nan Ge heard the enthusiastic voice of the shop assistant.

Shen Yanqing said something to the other party and walked straight toward her.

Nan Ge did not turn around. She placed her hands on her knees like a primary school student in class. Her gaze was still fixed on the empty window, and she was still in a daze.

However, she could hear approaching footsteps.

Soon, the chair beside her with her coat was gently pulled out.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the man put her coat in the crook of his arm. The beige coat seemed to match the one she was wearing.

He did not let go. He just took her coat and sat down.

Under the effect of the heater beside her, she could smell the man’s scent.

It was a very faint musky fragrance.

For some reason, she suddenly began to feel nervous.

“Why are you here?” Fortunately, Shen Yanqing did not let the atmosphere turn cold and quickly asked.

“I… just got off work. I… decided to hang out nearby…”

Out of anxiety, Nan Ge lowered her head and stuttered.

“What a coincidence. I just passed by and saw you sitting here.”

“…” Nan Ge was so embarrassed that her fingers dug into the pattern on her pants. She could not help but ask, “Have you been standing outside for a long time?”

“Not for long.”

Nan Ge heaved a sigh of relief.

However, just as she exhaled, he heard a certain someone correct himself.

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