Finding the Night fury

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Iris's POV

After half an hour of us searching the island and Hiccup complaining about not being able to find a dragon,  we found it. Well at least I think we found it.

Just as Hiccup was getting really frustrated, he hit a branch that came right back at him.

I looked up to see a ditch with claw marks, with fallen trees all around. I slowly crept down the ditch, observing the claw marks as I went along.

I looked over a small ledge, and instantly ducked down, calling Hiccup over. He saw the Night fury and was planning a way to get to it. After a little bit he was right in front of it, while I stayed back.

He was about to kill it, but the strange thing is he seemed to not be able to.

I watched as he lowered his dagger then cut the ropes! The Night fury pounced on him, while I crept closer in case Hiccup needed help.

I was about to distract the Night fury when it roared at Hiccup before flying (or trying to) off. I looked back at Hiccup to see him slowly standing up, before trying to walk over to me.

I watched as he fainted and hit the ground, dropping his dagger just before. I hurried to him and tried to wake him up, but nothing would work.

'Looks like I am carrying you home' I thought, picking him up. Being who he is, he was extremely light, and it was a lot easier to carry him.

When I got to his house it was dark out. I kicked the door with my foot and it opened. As I entered I realized that Stoick was there.

Stoick turned around at the noise to see me there with Hiccup. "What happened to him?" he asked, standing up.

I just shrugged, not really knowing what to say. He just nodded, and I walked towards the stairs.

Soon Hiccup was in bed, and just I was about to leave the house, Stoick stopped me. "Oh, Iris, Before I forget, Please take this to your parents. Also thank you, for bringing Hiccup home." He said as he handed me a folded piece of paper. I nodded and exited, heading home.

I entered my house to smell some fish cooking in the kitchen. I entered the kitchen to see my mother standing there, watching to make sure she doesn't burn the food.

"Hey mum, I'm back." I said, causing her to turn around. She nodded before spotting the paper in my hand.

"Oh, and Stoick said to give this to you." I said before handing it to her. She nodded and started reading it while I went up to my small bedroom.

After 15 minutes I heard my dad call for me. "Dinner is ready Iris!" I carefully ran down the stairs, making sure not to fall.

Soon we were all silently eating at the table. As I ate, I realized that my parents looked a little nervous. "What happened? Is something wrong?" I ask them, getting slightly worried.

My mother glanced at father, who nodded before taking a deep breath and looking at me. "You have now come to age to enter Dragon training, and you have been requested to join." she said. I stopped eating.

"What? You mean I have to practice killing dragons?" I asked, surprised. "Yes, but that is not all. Stoick has also requested that we go on another search for the dragons nest before the ice sets in." Father said.

I looked down glumly at my food, not having an appetite anymore. You see, when ever they set out to search, only one third of them come back.

Since my parents are against fighting dragons, they have an even lower chance of coming back. "What if you guys don't come back? What will I do?" I asked, getting close to tears.

"Now, don't think negative thoughts, think positive. I know it is hard but you need to, for us. Ok?" I nodded.

Then they stood up. "Well, we leave first thing in the morning, and you start training too so we had better get ready." Mother said. I stood up as well and nodded again.

Mother tidied up while I went upstairs to my room. "Goodnight!" Father yelled from downstairs. "Goodnight!" I yelled back before getting in bed.

Tomorrow was a big day, and I needed as much rest as possible.

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