Dragon Training

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Iris's Pov 

The morning came and I awoke to the sunlight shining through my 'window'. I got ready for the day and walked downstairs.

As soon as I entered the kitchen I noticed mother and father hurriedly eating breakfast. I sat down, and did the same.

Soon we heard the horn, calling all adults to the dock. In a few minutes we were all at the docks.

I hugged my parents and said goodbye before they boarded their boats. I stood there, watching as their boats faded over the horizon before heading to the dragon-killing arena.

I arrived just as Tuffnut was say something about 'going to the class with the cool kids' before we were all lined up in front of Gobber.

After another brief instruction of what to do. He opened another door to a cage with a Gronkle.

The Gronkle zoomed out of the cage and flew straight towards us.

"Quick! What's the first thing you're gonna need?" Gobber yelled, now outside the arena. "A doctor?" (hiccup), "Plus five speed?" (Fishlegs), "A Shield!" Astrid and I answered in unison.

I knew the answer because my parents taught me all this just to protect myself if needed. "Correct! If you were to choose between a Sword and a shield, take the shield." Gobber announced before we nodded.

Time skip

After training and Hiccup's near death experience. Hiccup and I ran to the forest, both pondering Gobbers words from earlier. "Remember, a dragon will always, always go for the kill."

When we reached the place where Hiccup freed the Night fury, Hiccup bent down and picked up the bola and wondered out loud. "So why didn't you?"

Soon we were walking in the direction that the night fury had 'flown' off in. We found a slight entrance into a small cove, and while Hiccup was looking around it to see if the Night fury was there, something caught my eye.

I looked down, and saw a black scale. I picked it up, and concluded that it was a night fury's. "Hiccup, look!" I whisper/yelled.

As soon as Hiccup realized what it was, we were startled when a black figure suddenly appeared in front of us.

We watched as it crashed into the wall, and fell back to the ground. We watched the Night fury as it continued to try and get out.

As we were doing that, Hiccup finally realized he could draw it and did so. "Why don't you just fly away?" He asked himself, looking up from his sketch.

I looked down at the sketch and smiled. 'I've taught him well.' I thought, before frowning as I looked at the drawing again.

Hiccup had erased one of the tail fins. 'We should do something about that.' I thought before looking back up.

I noticed that the Night fury and Hiccup were now exchanging looks. I looked down at Hiccup's hand, to see he had dropped his charcoal pencil. I watched as the two continued staring, until Hiccup decided we should leave.

Time skip

When we arrived back at the Great hall, we were soaking wet because a storm had come up while we were on our way back.

As we entered we heard Gobber just starting to talk. We sat down at a nearby table (as the others wouldn't let Hiccup sit next to them) and listened to what Gobber had to say.

I zoned out for a little bit, thinking about how to fix the Night fury's tail, until I was startled by the bang of something hitting the table. "The Dragon Manual, everything we know about every dragon we know of." Gobber said.

Suddenly a bang of thunder made him look up. "No attacks tonight, study up." He said before leaving.

The other teenagers complained before going of to do their own thing. Hiccup and I waited until there was only a few people in the hall before opening the book.

Hiccup skimmed through the book until he landed on a practically empty page.

"Night fury, Speed: unknown, Size: unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon, Your only chance is to hide and pray it doesn't find you." Hiccup read before pulling out his sketch again.

We looked at each other, finally realizing we were the first Vikings to ever even see a Night Fury.

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