It's not over yet

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Iris's Pov

I came out of my unconsciousness with a pounding headache. I tried to move but I couldn't budge.

My vision started to clear as I realized I was tied to the mast of a ship with rope. The boat was rocking against the waves of the sea and I guessed we were getting close to some land.

I tried to remember what had happened who knows how long before when I saw all the dragons flying in circles above the ship.

Everything clicked as I realized I was on one of Drago's last remaining ships.

The man himself was ordering men around and waving a staff in the air while making all sorts of noises.

I felt the boat jolt as we seemed to hit land.

Two men came to me and untied me but before I could do anything I was being carried and forced up to the lookout at the top of the mast.

I was tied again and left alone to wonder what was going to happen to me.

I widened my eyes when I realized I had been staring into a familiar view. We were on Berk and Hiccup and the others were not here to help.

Dragons flew from their houses and owners to join the swarm above me. The new Alpha came out of the water and shot bits of ice at Vikings trying to escape.

Many of the villagers stayed in their homes and looked through their windows with terror although they had no idea what to do.

After a little while I started losing consciousness again as people fought below me.

-Time Skip-

I awoke to the sound of a horn blowing loudly. My eyes slammed open and the light from the rising sun almost made me close them just as fast.

I looked around for the source of noise when it went off again. It was a large horn that must have been placed while I was away.

There was a figure hiding behind it that I recognized as Fishlegs before the Alpha turned and shot ice at the horn.

The horn was blasted to bits and I could just heard the faint "I'm alright!" from Fishlegs before deciding to figure out what was going on.

I found that my bonds weren't too tight and I could move a bit but not very much because it would make my head pound.

It seemed that Hiccup and all the others had arrived to 'save the day' and were trying to distract the Alpha so that Hiccup could find Toothless and bring him back.

I sat and watched helplessly as the fight raged on below me. Not too long later Toothless was back and everyone was trying to separate Drago from the Alpha.

I had managed to free my arms and I was surprised when a dragon landed on the tip of the mast above me.

I looked up and saw what I never thought I'd see at this point. "Bolt?" I called, although my voice was hoarse and quiet.

The Skrill looked down at me with piercing slit eyes. "Bolt, it's me, Iris." I said, slowly reaching my hand up to him.

I had to be careful because I couldn't do anything if he turned on me. It seemed like the Alpha's attention was elsewhere and Bolt's connection with him was weakened and that was helping me quite a bit.

After a bit of storytelling an convincing, the old Bolt I knew and loved was rubbing his head against mine and making little happy growls.

I almost tried to stand when I remembered the ropes securing me to the mast. "Can you help me out bud?" I asked. He nodded and started to slowly and carefully burn the ropes off with his sparks.

He was almost done when I felt the boat lurch below us. A large hole had been blasted in the side of the boat and it was now sinking, quickly.

There was two more ropes left when I felt the water reach me. The boat lurched again and I went deep under.

Bolt tried to get me out but he couldn't because of the water. I struggled with the ropes to try and get out but to no avail.

My headache came rushing back as I started to lose consciousness yet again.

As I blacked out I saw the shadow of a figure swimming down towards me.

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