The End

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Iris's Pov

It's been a year since everything happened.

Soon after Drago was defeated, everyone got to work to restore the village and make it bigger to hold many more dragon residents from the Sanctuary.

I was able to bring everything over on my boat and successfully moved into my cave in the forest before helping Gobber out in the forge.

I was surprised when Hiccup gave me the job to carve out a memorial for Stoick on the side of the Great hall.

The tusk from the Alpha was going to be put away but I decided to carve it out and add it to the memorial.

Now the Village was almost complete and I was putting the finishing touches to the memorial.

"Ok now, carefully come down." I said, guiding Zip and Zap and Storm who were holding the ropes connected to the now carved tusk. They carefully set it down and we all flew a bit farther away to see the whole thing.

Stoick was carved out of stone with hands holding the newly placed tusk. The carved tusk depicted the scene of the fight at the Sanctuary.

The Alpha's were shown fighting in one corner while small figures of people and dragons fought in most of the rest of the tusk. I had also added a few scenes from before and after the fight.

The Haddocks reunited and Stoick's funeral ship being the main ones. I was surprised to hear shouts and clapping from below and looked over Bolt's side to see everyone looking at the now finished memorial.

A few dragons rushed by and I recognized them as Stormfly and Hookfang with their riders on board. Looks like the dragon race was still on. "Woohoo!!" Astrid shouted as she flew past with a sheep in her hands.

Everyone cheered a bit more, at the race this time, before quieting down again. "It's amazing." I heard a voice behind me.

I turned my head and saw Hiccup on Toothless. "It'll suit its purpose well." I answered. "But how?" He asked. "I've had lots of free time over the past few years." We all turned our heads when we heard a horn blast from near the docks.

We started flying over to see what was happening until we heard the cheers. 'Oh right, now I remember, I guess someone won the race.' I thought before landing on top of a roof.

Astrid was flying around and high-fiving everyone so I guessed she had won.

I noticed Valka standing on the Chief platform with Hiccup. She saw me as well and gestured for me to come over. I patted Bolt's back and gestured over to her before he lifted off and landed on the platform next to Valka.

I jumped off and walked to her. "It looks beautiful." She commented, looking at the memorial. I nodded but stayed silent.

"What are you going to do now? If I learnt anything about you these last few years, it's that you don't ever stay in one place for long." She said after a silent pause.

I shrugged before replying. "I guess, although I'll probably help Gobber a bit more in the forge and learn a few more skills before that." I answered.

Valka nodded as she pat Cloudjumper in the head. "You have to visit once in awhile, if not for me, then for the dragons.

I mean, if you find any new species or some more night furies, we may be able to save them from hunters." She said, a bit stern but in friendly way. I sighed.

"Yeah, wouldn't that be something?" Valka nodded and we stood in silence, watching as another dragon race started, this time for all flyers, not just the gang.

I was surprised when I felt arms envelops me in a hug. I looked at Valka and hugged her back. "I'll miss you." She said before we separated.

"Now, shall we show them what we're made of?" She said, gesturing to the race. I smiled and we mounted our dragons.

"Come on guys! Let's show them some of our tricks." I said to Bolt, Zip and Zap, and Storm. They roared back in delight as we flew into the air.

There was a huge crowd of dragons and Vikings hovering in the air, waiting for the sheep to be released.

Hiccup was sitting in his spectating chair that used to be his fathers while the rest of the gang observed from the air.

They watched to make sure no rules were broken during the race full of competitors.

By the time the black sheep was to be released, everyone had caught at least one sheep and Valka and I were tied for top place. "You ready to lose?!" Valka shouted at me with a huge grin.
"Nope, but now I actually know you're competitive!" I shouted back. "Are you kidding? All Vikings are competitive!" She answered before we chased off to catch the black sheep that had just been released.

Cloudjumper caught it in his paws and headed towards their basket. A few others came up behind and one grabbed the sheep before the rest came and they all fought to grab the sheep.

There was only about a quarter of the Vikings we had started with as many had been disqualified.

Eventually I saw Gobber fly out of the swarm with the sheep in his arms. Grump flew sleepily towards their basket and I got myself ready.

I stood up on Bolts back and made my way towards the end of his tail.

Just as Gobber dropped the sheep towards his basket, Bolt flung me into the air and I caught the sheep before landing on Zip and Zap.

There was a bunch of gasps and yells from the crowd as I dodged the other dragons and Vikings as they caught up to us.

I got blocked by someone in front of me so I jumped down onto Storm who was below. We flew towards the nets and threw the sheep down into my net.

A horn blasted and everyone cheered and congratulated me. A few stubborn Vikings grumbled that they didn't win but they knew they'd get another chance.

I high-fived some kids that were watching from the sides before landing with Valka on the ground. "Well done!" She said before everyone started to disperse to get back to their jobs.

We decided to help out at the new huge dragon sanctuary until sundown.

-Time Skip-

I stood on the beach with the water splashing over my feet as I watched the sunset.

Bolt, Zip and Zap, and Storm played with Shock and Shot who had come back for a visit with their pack in the water to the side of me.

I smiled as I thought about all my past memories with them all. A small cool breeze blew past, reminding me what had happened a year ago.

I frowned at the bad memories but then smiled again as the good ones returned.

I turned to look at Stoick's memorial one last time before the sun disappeared over the horizon and left Berk dark.

I watched as the stars began to come out and decided that we would stay on the beach for the night.

Shock and Shot left with their pack as I built a fire and laid down next to it.

The dragons all huddled around and fell asleep as I watched the stars before falling asleep myself.

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