Is it a Skrill?

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Iris's Pov

I woke up the next morning right before dawn. I knew Dragon training wasn't till the afternoon so I headed to the Great hall to get some food and check out the Dragon Manual.

I was soon sitting down at a table in the far corner with a plate of food beside me and the Manual in front of me. I ate my food before starting on the book. I opened it and scanned through until I got to the page about the Night Fury.

I already knew there was nothing else after that so I went back carefully through the book.

On the page before the Night Fury, I realized two pages seemed to be stuck together. I carefully tried to separate the pages without ripping them and successfully did so after a minute.

I realized there were many more vikings in the hall so I quickly scanned the page first page.

The species seemed to be called a Skrill. It is known to shoot and control lightning and travel with storms. Speed: Unknown, Size: Unknown, Run as fast as you can to shelter. Do not confront or touch, just hope it doesn't notice you.' I read to myself.

'I wonder if this is the kind of dragon I found.' I thought before checking the page it was stuck to. There was a smudged and sticky painting that was probably the reason the pages were stuck.

I studied the painting trying to figure out what it was supposed to be. I finally turned it upside down and gasped. It was an exact match to the dragon I found in a cave.

I smiled, now knowing what species it was. I touched the painting but quickly brought my hand back after remembering it was sticky. I closed the book and put it away before walking outside.

I checked the sun and realized that it was time to meet Hiccup at the cove. I quickly walked through the forest and soon arrived at the cove.

I looked through the entrance to see that Hiccup wasn't here yet. I slowly crawled down the slope, trying not to grab the attention of a specific Night Fury.

When I reached the bottom, I looked around the cove before heading over to the pond to wash off my hand. Quite a few walls had scratches from when Toothless tried getting out, but other than that everything seemed still and calm. 'I wonder where Toothless is.' I thought as I searched around the pond.

Suddenly I felt a slight gust of wind, almost like a breath on my back. I turned around to be met face to face by none other that Toothless. "Uh, hello Toothless?" I sort of asked/greeted.

The Night Fury narrowed his eyes and began sniffing me and licking my hand with the sticky substance still on it. I was tense at first, but then I started giggling because it felt so weird.

As soon as I started laughing, Toothless stopped and looked at me strangely. "What, it feels weird!" I told him, not really sure he could understand me.

A few minutes of silence past before I saw Hiccup coming down. "Hey Hiccup!" "Hey Iris!" He replied. I noticed he had a big basket of fish on his back, and he was carrying the prosthetic in his arms.

I quickly grabbed it so that he could get down easier. He then heaved the basket towards Toothless and dumped it. "Hey Toothless, Hope you're hungry cause I brought breakfast." 'That looks disgusting.' I thought as I watched.

Then he continued. "Some Salmon, some nice Icelandic Cod, and a whole smoked eel!" Toothless growled as soon as he saw the eel. "No, no, no, no. No, Ok, Yeah I'm not much a fan of eel either." He said as he threw it into the pond.

I handed him the prosthetic and stepped out of the way. "And don't you mind me, I'll just be back here. Minding my own business." He said as he creeped towards Toothless' tail.

He set the prosthetic down near his tail and tried to attach it. The key word being tried. It took him quite awhile before he sat on the tail and clasped it on.

I then glanced back at Toothless to see him spreading his wings after he had realized what Hiccup had just done. "Uh, Hiccup!" I called, but before he could respond, Toothless burst into the air.

Hiccup started screaming on the way down until he realized he had to pull the tail out. He did so, and Toothless flew up. They did a loop before Toothless saw Hiccup was still on his tail. He flicked him off into the pond before falling himself.

Hiccup resurfaced and yelled in celebration "It worked!"


I had decided to check what the painting of the Skrill was made of since Toothless seemed to really like it. After awhile I figured out that the paint was actually just some kind of crushed berry.

I knew I had to figure out what berry it was specifically so I scraped some of the excess paint off onto a small stone slate and took it to Gothi.

She took the sample and studied it before dumping it into a pot with water. I tried to protest but she shushed me with her stick and stirred a few different ingredients into the pot.

The water turned a dark purple and Gothi grabbed a cup and offered me a drink. "It's not poisonous?" I asked. Gothi shook her head and scribbled in the dirt. It took me a bit before I finally understood what she wrote. "It's a rare edible berry found in caves."

I nodded before sipping the drink. I was surprised when the delicious fruity taste entered my mouth. I had never had anything like it. "This is amazing! What's the berry called? Can I have the recipe?" I asked, excited.

Gothi smiled. No one had appreciated her that much in years. Just a few thanks from injured vikings.

She scribbled in the dirt. "It is known as a Dragon Cave berry. I'll give you the recipe and a few others if you'll help me gather ingredients for my medicines." She said.

I smiled and nodded happily. "Of course I'll help you! My mother always wanted me to learn more about what you do and how!"

Gothi smiled and wrote a list of things for me to find on the island, where to look, and what they looked like.

Time Skip

After I had gathered all the ingredients Gothi had on the list, I started walking back to her hut.

As I entered I found Gothi searching through a shelf of books and pulling a few out. She set them down before gesturing for me to bring the ingredients to her.

She checked each one to make sure it was what she wanted before smiling and putting each item into separate boxes she had for them.

She then gathered the books she got from the shelf and handed them to me. "For me?" I asked, unsure. She nodded before scribbling in the dirt again.

"These are some of my old books that I have no use for here. Take them as a gift of gratitude." I read before smiling.

"Thank you Gothi. I will treasure these books and take good care of them." I said.

She smiled again before gesturing with her stick that I could leave. I nodded before placing the books in my bag and heading towards the cave with the Skrill in it.

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