The Village

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Iris's Pov

I awoke to the rocking of my boat on the water. Bolt was the only other one up and he had just jumped off the boat to catch some fish.

I got dressed and ate some food before watching the sun rise above the horizon.

It was a clear morning with not a cloud in the sky. A small breeze past as Bolt came back with the fish he had caught.

Storm and Zip and Zap woke up to the fish that were placed in front of their noses. They gobbled their fish up before we decided to take a fly.

Storm of course stayed down on the boat since his wing wasn't healed yet and he watched us fly around and do some tricks.

I had decided to just glide for a bit and we did so until I noticed a slight mischievous gleam in Bolt's eyes.

"What are you up to?" I asked suspiciously, narrowing my eyes. Bolt suddenly turned upside down and because I didn't expect it, I fell right off, into the freezing water below.

I came up soaking and a bit cold with hair in my eyes. "Bolt!! How could you?" I yelled with a hint of laughter in my voice as I got my hair out of my eyes.

He just gurgled as Zips and Zap came down and picked me out of the water. They dropped me back down on the boat before landing themselves.

I quickly went down and got changed into dry, warm clothes before I caught a cold.

"What am I going to do with you guys?" I asked as I came back up, wringing my hair out. I brushed it out and braided it before tending to Storms wing.

I smiled as I noticed the dragon cave berry ointment was working its trick. "You'll be flying by the end of next week." I said after finishing up. It was quite amazing that dragons could heal so fast.

I was about to go below deck again to put my blankets away when I heard footsteps on the dock. I turned to see the Chief walking up.

"Morning." I said, putting down the blankets. "Morning... I'm afraid I didn't get your name yesterday." He replied. I widened my eyes in realization. "You're right! I'm Iris." I said. "I'm known as Chief Zion, but you can call me Zion." He said.

I nodded and we shook hands in greeting as he stepped onto the boat. It wasn't long before we were sitting down and talking. "So, about Storm. What did you mean about how did I befriend a Shadow-caster?" I asked.

Zion sighed and looked at Storm. "Their a very rare breed mixed between a Changewing and a Smothering Smokebreath. It had the shape of a Changewing and the ability to change color but it can't turn invisible or spit acid.

Instead of acid, it breathes a thick smoke that can be poisonous or just harmless.

There have been very few recorded sightings throughout our records. It was known that they were extremely hostile to humans, especially around their piles of treasure they collect, but you've been able to befriend one.

How did you find him let alone befriend him?" He told me and asked. I looked over at Storm.

"We found him on the same island I found the ring. He was by a cliff with his wing stuck under a boulder.

He probably would have been hostile if it weren't for the fact that Bolt and him know each other. We were able to get the boulder off his wing and I treated it. We brought him along on our journeys after he agreed and he's been with us ever since." I told Zion.

Zion nodded as he petted Storm who had come over after hearing his name. "He's amazing." He said. I just nodded.

"Would you like to come to the village? I'm sure you'd like to look through our dragon facts and I bet you'll have some more trade offers later." He asked.

"Sure, I'd like to see the village and if you're okay with it I'd love to take some notes from your dragon facts." I replied.

He agreed and we headed off into the village. The dragons stayed back to watch the boat and have a small nap.

I was greeted by multiple villagers on the way to what I supposed was the Great hall. We entered the building and Zion lead me towards a giant fireplace.

There was a hole in the roof to let all the smoke out and the place was lighted with torches.

There were a few books on a shelf above the fireplace and Zion grabbed one. "This is our book of dragon facts. Our village takes a lot of time to study dragons although we don't have any on our island.

There aren't that many dragons around because of the dragons hunters. We've saved a few from them but we've had to take them farther down south to safety." He explained, handing the book to me.

A lot of the dragons were the same that we had but there were a few that it didn't recognize from Berk's Book of dragons.

I took my book of dragons out of my satchel that I had brought and sat down at the table. "This is where I have to say goodbye for now, I have Chief jobs to do. I'm sure my daughter will come around some time. You can stay here as long as you want all I ask is that you return the book afterwards." He said.

"Thank you, I'll put it away afterwards." I said as he left. I started recording everything new that was in their book into mine.

I eventually finally finished and was surprised to find a few hours had passed. My hand was a little sore from all the writing and drawing and I was glad to get out into the sunshine after I had put everything away.

I decided to check out the small market they had on the island. There were many stalls full of food but one stall in particular caught my eye.

I walked up to it and found exquisite carvings made out of wood and what I guessed was ivory. "These are amazing, who made them?" I asked the man at the stall. "I get the supplies and my wife carves them." He answered, gesturing to a woman in the back of the stall that was carving some wood.

I picked up a small ivory bird. The detail was amazingly precise and if it were colored it could almost be mistaken for the real thing. "Can I buy this one?" I asked, holding out the bird in my hand. "That would be 5 gold pieces." He said.

My eyes widened at the price but I knew I couldn't say no to the beautiful piece. I pulled out a small pouch of coins from my satchel and paid the price.

After I had paid I put the piece in a small empty bag I had and put it in my satchel. I then stepped to the side and sat down to watch the lady carved. Neither the man or the lady stopped me from coming a bit closer and sitting down to watch and soon enough a small group of children had come to watch too.

I guessed this is what usually happened. The woman was using multiple tools that ranged from big to small and sharp to heavy.

I recognized some of the techniques and tools she used from my practice as a blacksmith and wondered if I could learn to do what she did.

I must have been there watching her for an hour before she finished her piece. The kids all left as she stood up to give the piece to her husband.

"How long did it take for you to be able to do that?" I asked. "Many years, I was taught by my mother as it has always been in my family." The woman answered.

I nodded as she set herself up to start a new piece, this one was with ivory. I watched for a bit before deciding I should probably get going.

As I got up from my seat I had a thought. "Where did you get the ivory and what wood do you use?" I asked the man. "We buy ivory whenever a trader comes by with it and we use any wood that we find that is the right shape and not too dry." The man answered. I nodded before heading off.

I was on my way back to the boat when I saw Zion. "I think I'll be leaving now, thank you for your hospitality. I'll visit sometime." I told him. "Safe travels." He said. I nodded and continued on. I was soon at my boat and I found a few people wanting to trade for something. I spent an hour doing that and saw Zion's girl at one point.

Soon I was ready to go and me and the dragons were on our way towards the Sanctuary once again.

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