I'll overlook it!

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"You... You don't belong here... Right?"

The beautiful boy visibly froze at Adira's question.

Knew it! I would remember him if he was from around here!

"Yes. I was just umm... planning to visit a... friend." He answered and almost whispered the last word, barely audible.

Adira continued to stare at his appearance. It was incredibly, superbly, magnificently, very pleasing to the eyes! She could stare at him all day and she would still not have enough of it.

Feeling the pretty little girl's stare on him, he shifted on his spot uncomfortably while his arm was gradually getting weary from still staying on its awkward position.

Finally noticing the little boy's weariness, Adira jolted and hurriedly grabbed the little arm—not to seem too eager, great—before he could even retract it.

"Th-Thank you, ummm.."

"Oh. I'm Casi—" he left an awkward hanging tone. Like there should've been something else there but he forcefully stopped?

Whatever. He's handsome so I'll overlook it.

"Thank you, Casey*. I'm A-"

"My Lady!!"

"Oh my God! My Lady!!"

"The Lady's over here!"

"My Lady! What sort of clothes are you wearing?!"

Adira didn't get to introduce herself properly when the servants, who were also dispatched—or more like begged to be dispatched as well—finally found her and immediately crowded over her. Checking her for injuries or anything out of the ordinary.

In this life, it wasn't only Lyfa anymore who fussed over her. She successfully gained a horde of worrywarts as her entourage.

"I-I'm fine." She answered as she scanned everyone's worried faces that seemed to age faster.

This little stunt was not a good idea at all.

"My Lady! You need to hurry home! The Master and Mistress' are dying from extreme perturbation! Please hurry home!"

They all pleaded her in behalf of their Master and Mistress, who had to remain back at the castle. If the Duke's state of mind could only be trusted then they would not dare stop him from searching for the lady, himself. He is her father, after all, and they were aware of how much the Duke doted on and loved his only daughter.

But they feared that the Duke, himself, would also be in danger instead of only the lady and then the Duchess wouldn't be able to take it. Then they'd worry to death for this troublesome family of three! What will become of the Sylveris' territories?

"O-Okay. I am very sorry." Adira quickly apologized before remembering the forgotten beautiful boy and turned to him, planning to thank him again and apologize, when he was not in his spot anymore.

He's gone. The large crowd must've scared him. Ahh. This day is too unfortunate.

She sighed before following the servants back to the carriage and to the manor.

She was trembling so bad with every step she took towards the lounge where her parents were waiting for her return.

What do I do? Should I fall down to my knees and beg for forgiveness immediately before they can even scold me? Will that work? Maybe Father... But I doubt it'd work on Mother.

Then should I wait and weather the storm? It'll only last a couple of hours at most, right? Ha... Haha... Ha. Agh! Goddamit Adira!

She Becomes A Passive Villainess-NOT!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora