Alexander's Woes

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Have you ever wondered what it was like to be Adira's Knight? Well, Alexander has it tough. Here's some of the reasons why he thinks his mistress is trouble:

1. My mistress likes to vanish.

It started back when Alexander was just starting to adjust as the Lady Sylveris' knight after being transferred so suddenly by the first prince himself.

At first, it boggled his mind why Casimir did what he did. Because he knew how overly possessive this prince was to even allow other men within a particular set of distance close to his fiancee.

So him, assigning Alexander, a man, as her knight along with Leon was confusing him.

The first Alexander met this Lady Sylveris was when she dropped by the student council office and exchanged a few words with the prince and upsetting him during the course.

From then, he didn't have a good opinion of her. Because, she came off as aloof and cold, he thought that they would not get along well with the prince.

The next he saw her was when she was drugged with an aphrodisiac that upset the prince so much he created chaos on his own name day all because of her.

And might he add that he was also one of the men whose jaws dropped when she appeared and floated down like a celestial deity.


Alexander was standing guard outside her room when Lyfa, the Lady's maid, came and brought with her tea and snacks.

Oh, it's her afternoon tea time, huh? Very noble lady-like.

Alexander turned around wordlessly and knocked on Adira's room before asking for permission to enter,

"My Lady, your tea has arrived, I'm allowing your maid in now."

They didn't hear an answer from inside the room and Alexander, clueless and thinking that she might have not heard him well, pushed the door open to find the room empty and the windows wide open.

"Wha—My Lady? Lady Sylveris!!" Alexander rushed to the open windows but couldn't find the woman.

"The Lady Sylveris is missing!" He cried and was about to speed away when he saw, from the corner of his eye, how calm Lyfa was and quietly placed Adira's tea on a table.

"How can you be so calm when your mistress is missing?"

Lyfa, figuring that Alex was obviously talking to her, smiled with meaning before answering,

"Oh! she does this a lot. She'll be back before you know it."

And true to Lyfa's words, Adira came back, a few hours later, with a happy grin and a full stomach. But she didn't pass through the windows this time but through the doors.

"Did you have fun, my lady?" Lyfa asked with a fond smile on her face.

"Yep! Hya's getting better at baking and Owen's gotten taller again! Oh! Peter's still a big softie." Adira giggled and turned to Alex before handing out a white box.

"Here! I brought over one for you as an apology." Adira beamed before retreating back to her room to enjoy the tea Lyfa reheated for her after Alex unwittingly took the box from her and opened it to see a strawberry short-cake.

I don't like cakes though.

The man thought while happily enjoying the sweet treat his mistress gave him.

2. My mistress is a sweet busybody.

Right after Adira returned and they won the war with the Alynthi Soldiers, Adira went out to have fun and, of course, she wasn't allowed to do so without an escort.

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