Adira's Jealousy

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It took the family a whole week before they arrived at the Bycrest Kingdom—which was right on schedule. Because Casimir planned their trip ahead of time, even before Adira proposed it to him.

And he purposely left a week before they were expected at Bycrest so they could spend more quality time together and have fun.

The prince, to be crowned as King, and princess of Bycrest weren't with the ushers and welcoming party that met their party at the gates.

Their excuse was that he still had a lot of things to attend to for the coronation and couldn't free his time. So he opted to send a large number of his aides and knights to meet and welcome them instead.

And Casimir magnanimously—and miraculously—understood and let it go.

To be fair, he didn't even get off the carriage to face them since Adira was sleeping on his shoulders while Heise slept in her arms.

Which explained why he didn't make much fuss and instructed them to speak softly.

So they guided them towards the palace they were supposed to use for the duration they stayed there.

Casimir hated to wake his wife up but he had no choice since prolonging her sleep in their position would be hard on her body—especially since he couldn't help but exhaust her a little bit lately.

The woman stirred awake but instead of getting up, she ended up snuggling closer to him, and it was incredibly cute that the man couldn't help but to kiss her awake.

Adira responded to his kisses by biting his lips that made him groan before she finally opened her ash-grey eyes and smirked at him.

That was for stealing kisses while she was asleep—though she didn't hate it nor even mind it.

"We've arrived, huh?" She rhetorically spoke and stretched her sore arms after the little child, in her embrace, woke up as well.

"Mommy's sorry for waking you up, baby. Why don't you sleep some more? Mommy will take you inside." She smiled at the child and he obediently went back to closing his eyes and slept more.

Casimir, knowing full well how heavy Heise had gotten lately, promptly took the child off her arms and carried him inside instead.

It was such a very heartwarming sight that the female servants could only melt in envy at watching the Empire's First Prince's hidden Husband persona.

Adira's sharp vision didn't miss the way their eyes glimmered at watching Casimir carry Heise in his arms that she had to unreasonably and forcefully feed them dog food by pulling the man down suddenly and connecting their lips.

"What was that?" Confusion was etched on the man's face, though he didn't mind it at all. In fact, he very much loved her kisses even surprise ones.

"Just felt like it." Adira shrugged her shoulders with a slight blush and clung onto Casimir's arm possessively.

The latter, still confused and refusing to believe it was nothing, turned his head around and saw the maidens casting him dazed and passoniate gazes.

It was then that he thought of an idea as he asked Adira,

"Were you, perhaps, jealous?"

"I-I-I'm not! Why would I be?"

Adira pouted and averted her gaze to the opposite side, trying to hide her expression from this man that sees through her each and every time.

"Yes, why would you be? When you're the only one for me?"

Casimir, who was genuinely curious and confused, smoothly swept away her jealousy and anxiety that she couldn't help but giggle at her silliness.

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