Open the Gates of Hell

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Adira walked out and the gazes were still there. Some were fiery and burning while some were cold and nipping. She turned to each of the stares she could feel prickling her skin and knew that Iris was doing something behind her back.

"Your highness." Adira suddenly asked for his attention and clung to him in a needy and spoiled way.

Why don't I give you some wood to burn?

"What is it?" Casimir, unmindful of the sudden change in Adira's movements-cause he liked it, turned to her with an adoring and pampering gaze.

"It is so hot in here, maybe because it is summer, but it's so hot. I suddenly want something cold." She whined like how a spoiled princess of the Sylveris dukedom should be.

Adira need not say else more as Casimir immediately casted a cooling spell around the place and even materialized an ice gem that wasn't algid but just enough to cool her down.

"Better?" He asked.

"So much better." She answered with a very lovely smile and that was enough for Casimir.

"My, would you look at that?"

"Yes, she really does abuse her position as the first prince's fiancee."

"How shameful."

"How dare she act so wantonly in front of his highness?"

Adira could hear their not-so-discreet whispering and hid a smirk.

Spread it and may it reach your ring leader.

Casimir heard the whispers and took a threatening step forward accompanied with a very chilling gust of winter coldness-making them wonder if he was still using a spell or was that purely him-before Adira snatched him back.

"Do you trust me?"

Casimir nodded so readily to her serious question.

With all my heart.

"Let me deal with this and everything will be fine." She said and pulled him back to walk towards their intended destination-visit Heise.

"I can't let them say those things about you." Never mind his reputation, no one shall dare tarnish Adira's name if they wanted to live peacefully in their society. Casimir wanted to remind them of that.

"Just stay by my side and look as handsome as you always do. That'll be perfect." She added a wink and finally managed to pacify the great demon lord. After all, for people such as these, she didn't need to use a steel hammer to crush a peanut.


Adira and Casimir came back together and Lyfa greeted them.

"Oh, My Lady, you have a guest waiting in the lounge."

"A guest? Who?" Adira nodded and gestured for Casimir to go ahead and visit Heise first while she deals with her uninvited guest.

Casimir was halfway up the stairs when he heard Lyfa's soft voice, clearly being careful not to let him hear.

"It's a man, My Lady."

He rigidly turned to them, his platinum eyes turning colder by the second and clenching the handrail in his hands tighter and tighter till the poor wood cracked in pain.

The two girls need not turn their heads to see Casimir's expression right now-because they were sure to get nightmares from that alone, mainly Lyfa though. The drastic drop in temperature was enough to tell them it wasn't pretty.

"Wh-What d-do you me-mean, Lyfa? Why is that person here? D-Do I know him? D-Did he say his name?"

"N-No, My La-Lady. He ju-just said that he wa-wanted to surprise yo-you."

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