Something Important

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"Good Morning, Adira." A woman, hanging out her laundry, greeted the girl, with messy long ash-like locks, passing by and smiled kindly to her.

The girl, as if jolted out from a deep thought, flustered for a bit and shyly smiled back at the woman which oddly made her irresistibly cuter.

Goddesses, if I were a man, I'd really steal this girl and marry her instead. But well, her husband is quite a looker too so they suit each other well.

The woman thought to herself in while waving her hands at the girl.

"Are you off to shop?"

"Umm, Yes."

"Oh? Where's your handsome husband then? That worrywart will turn this village upside down again if he can't find you in your home."

The woman joked and remembered the first few days, when these two arrived and settled somewhere close to them, and the wife decided to stroll around. The husband came back and couldn't find her and he almost went insane looking for her everywhere.

Like a mad dog. Poor lad.

"He knows, Madam. He had something to do so he couldn't accompany me." Adira replied to their neighbour who introduced herself as Maria.

"If I were him, I really wouldn't let you off my sight. Haha! A girl as beautiful as you attracts too many eyes even when your hair is so unkempt."

Truly, a royal's beauty shines through even with a disguise. So why use a disguise?

Adira remembered herself saying something along those words while helping someone put on a disguise. But which royal was it? The first or the second prince?

But even as she asked herself, she also thought to herself that she's never been close with any of them, so why would she remember something like that? Why would she say something like that?

Something along that memory didn't make sense. It didn't fit anywhere in her memory lane. She can't remember how, why, and who it was.


"Oh! I'm sorry. Were you saying something?" She apologized as Maria snapped her out of her trance.

"Are you okay, dear? You're turning pale. I think it's better for you to return home for now. Or else, your husband will definitely worry about you."

Adira clenched the basket in her hands as static noises rang in her ears again-grating, annoying and irritating her.

"Ye-Yes. That may be best." She quietly replied while supporting her throbbing head.

Why do I feel as if I'm forgetting something important? What is it?


Casimir, together with Heise, was prepared to march towards the Alynthi Kingdom donned in full armor.

It wasn't that they were necessarily seeking for war, but as a precaution in the worst case that their kingdom refuses to surrender Triton and Adira, then, of course, he'll fight his way in.

Iris Latifolia, who heard this news a little too late, rushed to catch up to him before they departed. She was perplexed why no one informed her when they were going to war!

As the maiden of light, wasn't her power the desiderata?

"Your highness!" She called and the man acted as if he couldn't hear anything.

Well, technically he could but his mind, soul and focus was somewhere else so nothing was really registering as of the moment. That or he just deemed her not worthy of his attention.

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