Mommy is Here

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Heise finally arrived at the place, after another two days of alternatively walking and flying low, which he cannot sustain that much since he was running low on energy, and finally managing to hitch hike, only to find a leveled village.

There was not a soul on sight nor houses still standing. There was only smoke, fire, and destruction.

And he hasn't seen a single glimpse of his mother yet.

So fear was bubbling up and corrupting him inside as the man's words were replaying over and over again inside his head.

Black mist was clouding around him—swirling into this dangerous and ominous whirl. The only thing that was holding him back was the comfort of not seeing his mother yet.

He walked around, turning and turning, trying to find even a single clue as to where his mother was—or if she was alive or not. He was feeling very conflicted right then. He wanted to see his mother yet he didn't.

He didn't wanna see her corpse. He doesn't want to see his whole world under a pile of rubble—lifeless and broken.

"Mo... Mommy... Where are you?... Heise is here... Mommy... Please... Mommy!!!!" The child let out a woeful cry, falling down onto his knees as tears spilled from his eyes like heavy rains.

Feeling hopeless, scared and heartbroken, the black mist that surrounded the child quickly crept throughout the area—seeming in attempt to swallow the whole place.

A harrowing sight that was making him hopelessly think that he had indeed lost his mother. That he was too late.

"Mommy." The little boy sobbed.

"Little boy, it's not safe here."

Came a voice that made everything stop—the mist, the rumbling, and his poor little heart—a voice so beautiful it was instantly healing him and his broken world.

He snapped up and stared at the girl offering her hands to him, with a worried look, before her eyes widened in surprise.

"Mommy... Mommy~~" he continued to sob so painfully and ran into her arms. He missed his mother too much. He thought he'd never see her again. He feared she had left him for good.

"You... What are you doing here? This is a far place!"

"I want to be with Mommy... Don't leave Heise again please... I'll always be a good boy... I'll always listen to you... Just don't leave me please."

And Adira couldn't help the pang of pain that attacked her heart while she listened to this little child's pleas. Such beautiful and magnificent sapphire eyes were being clouded by tears and it was heartbreaking—and it was all her fault.

His cries and tears were scratching and ripping her heart apart so painfully.

She wrapped her arms around the child and felt hot tears spill down her cheeks. Her hold tightened when the child wailed after finally feeling his mother's arms around him again.

It had been too long.

"Shhh. Don't cry." She coaxed the child sweetly and gently, just like the way Heise remembered it, which only made him cry more.

It doesn't matter who you are or what you are to me. If you want me to be your mother, then I will be your mother.

"Mommy's here, baby. Mommy will always be here." She whispered before pecking the child on his forehead.

Heise's bawling and crying lasted a bit too long so Triton had to go and find Adira since she's been gone for much too long. He only agreed to separate briefly to find and possibly help more survivors.

But she still wasn't back and it was scaring him.

He walked briskly and screamed for her name. When he found her though, a child—he knew too well—was latched on to her and sleeping peacefully.

"Oh, Triton. I'm sorry. I couldn't carry him so I—."

"Let go of him, Adira."


"Let go of that child!"

Triton cried, already panicking, and stomped close to them when Adira suddenly brandished her sword at him—ready to attack him any time.

Looking at her like that, Triton's heart was already hammering at his chest. She looked as if she was back to her old self as she protected that little raven-haired child.

"Don't you dare. I don't know what's gotten into you but you're not taking this child away from me."


"Triton, my love, he walked miles and miles just to find me. Can't you just let him stay with us? I swear I won't let him bother you. Just please."

But he's your son, Adira. He's yours and Casimir's son.

"Please? I can't leave him alone. Please dear. This is the only thing that I ask. Don't take him away from me."

Triton clenched his fists and swallowed everything that he wanted to say down into his chest. He'll have to deal with this child when Adira's not looking. He'll just have to endure him for a while.


He finally agreed and Adira's sword went up in flames before they vanished and she smiled happily and beautifully—genuinely—for the first time in a while.

And this didn't slip through Triton's eyes. Because, she didn't glow like that for the past weeks that they've been together.

Sure, she was smiling and telling him she loved him and was happy. However, it was never as bright as that.

"Come on. We need to get out of here fast. It's not safe here anymore."

Adira nodded her head before she remembered that she couldn't carry the child. He was a bit heavy for her.

"Give him here." Triton, who noticed that she wasn't getting up, remembered the words she told him as soon as he found her.

So he picked Heise up in his arms and held her hands.

I need to get rid of this child as soon as possible. He's a threat. And him being here means, he is coming.

"Thank you, my love. Thank you for allowing me this." Adira expressed her gratitude and hugged his arm with a peaceful and enchanting smile on her face.

Her emotions were as genuine as they were before this whole thing happened—before he eliminated Casimir from her life.

Triton bent down and planted a lasting kiss on her lips before he gazed at her beautiful grey eyes and said,

"I love you, Adira. I love you so much, my wife."

"Mm... I love you too, my love."

Hi! I'm a little late at updating in the usual time since I was spending some time just relaxing and being lazy. Lol.

Anyway, I expect to hear from you my lovelies 😘😘😘 Banzaaaiiii~ 🎉🎉🎉

P.S. Make sure I enjoy your comments and emotions ❤️ lol. (Though I always enjoy them anyway.)

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