A Monster

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Ramir's visit didn't last long since he had works piling up back at home. He just wanted to see his lovely sister and inform her of a possible attack and went home.

Later that night, Adira couldn't get Ramir's words out of her head and dreamt of that moment—the time when she surrendered herself to madness and sought revenge against everyone that turned their back on her.

She dreamt of that hell she rose—the people she mercilessly killed, the screams that begged for help, surrender, that begged her to stop and yet she turned a deaf ear to all of those.

She dreamt of the bright blade that pierced through her heart and killed her. She dreamt of that light pink hair that fluttered against the dark velvety sky as she fell down to her death.

Adira woke up with a start, feeling beads of sweat trickle down from her forehead as well as felt chills running up her spine. It was a nightmare.

"Casey. Heise." She immediately looked towards her side to check if both father and son were beside her and she was not inside that gruesome nightmare anymore.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she gingerly reached out her hand to caress Heise's face snuggled beside her and Casimir who had an arm draped across her.

Good. It's only a dream.

She thought to herself and remembered Ramir's words earlier. Maybe it was because of those that she was reminded of how she died—of how she's supposed to die.


"So what's the deal with you and Latifolia's daughter?"

Ramir suddenly asked that made Adira embarrassingly choke on her tea. The former was alarmed—like he always was when it came to his favorite little sister—and patted the girl's back softly.

"Careful now. My god, how am I supposed to leave you alone when you're still as clumsy as this?"

Ramir commented which made Casimir clear his throat—not because his throat was itchy but because someone was forgetting his presence.

Yeah, yeah. I know you're there. I just choose not to see you.

"Brother... Why do you ask?"

"Because the girl approached me, said something vague about you, which didn't sound nice at all, before I excused myself. And I'm sure I'm not the only one she's approached.

I swear that woman's plotting something against you, Adira. You best be on your guard and be prepared for whatever she throws at you. I'll do what I can on my side as well."

Her brother reassured her while petting her head as gently as she remembered him to do whenever he tries to comfort her.

And this gesture warmed Adira's heart. No matter which life, she knew her brother loved her more than life itself. She knew she always had her family at her back. And though she was not able to protect them from her mistakes back then, she will make sure she does this time around.

"Thank you, big brother."


Adira walked back inside from the balcony when a shine—reflected from something—caught her eye and she saw a woman in maid clothing raising up her hand, a knife in her hand, as she stood beside Casimir's side of the bed.

In one smooth and quick movement, Adira already had a sharp bread knife against the woman's neck before the latter could even make a move.

"One wrong move and you die. I really don't want to make a mess in our bedroom so you'll have to come with me." Adira eerily whispered into her ears that the maid could only follow her demands.

She Becomes A Passive Villainess-NOT!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat