Bother Only Me

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Adira sighed before letting herself melt in Casimir's embrace, finally letting his words penetrate her heart and calm the heck down. Anymore and she might just burn a scar in him.

Upon remembering her fire, Adira pushed herself out of Casimir's arms in a newly formed panic and immediately checked him for burns.

She had been too much of a green-eyed monster she forgot that she wasn't controlling her spiking temperatures all that well—ever since that drugging incident.

Casimir, feeling greatly disturbed with Adira harshly pushing herself out of his embrace, studied her as she flustered about him. Checking and searching for something on his body.

"What's wrong?"

"I.. I'm sorry. Did I perhaps burn you? I haven't been able to properly control my temperature lately so there are times when I unintentionally char something.

Did I hurt you? Did I burn you? Speak Casimir! Answer me! Stop staring at me!" She panicked.

Casimir couldn't help himself when she shows him how worried she is about him while practically sitting on his lap and pecked her softly on her lips.

He had pulled her to sit on him amidst the confusion and her tirade of complaints about how she was inferior to this princess he hasn't seen nor known. And she hasn't even noticed it yet.

Well, not until now.

Adira immediately stood up and burned bright red before running towards Heise and hiding under his wings.

Casimir approached them but Heise blocked him with his other wing.

"Heise? I'm not gonna hurt your mother. I'm just gonna check on her."

"Please don't." Adira abashedly answered in a high-pitched voice and cleared her throat a few times before adding,

"Let me just... Umm.. collect myself."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Yes, I am. Heise's the only one that can contain my heat so give me just a few seconds and I'll be fine."

Ah. Is she worried I might get hurt?

"Let me through, Heise. I won't hurt your mother and she won't hurt me." Casimir reassured his son before the latter reluctanly retracted his wing and let him get close to the other.

Casimir pried his wing open to find his adorable little wife, sitting while trying to hide her red face and contain her overheating.

He smiled before helping her up and into his arms again. He'll only ever be comfortable and relaxed when she's encased in his embrace. So it wasn't really only for Adira, but also for himself.

"It's fine. Your fire doesn't hurt me. It never will."

"I'm sorry. I haven't been controlling it properly lately which made me very edgy and more explosive. I must be a handful right now. I'm sorry, Casey."

"You can be as bothersome as you want and I wouldn't mind. You can only bother me though. Don't bother anyone else."

And when I find the prick that used Leon as a mule, I will make sure they won't step anywhere near this empire ever again.

He silently vowed in his heart and tightened his hold on Adira. He had noticed, way before that stunt she did with Heise, how her temperature had been fluctuating.

There were times she got too hot that it alarmed him if she was running a fever but she seemed fine so he remained silently observing her.

And now, she had confirmed it herself. She's been having trouble holding it in.

"Umm... You do know you're at my residence now, right?" Adira murmured and Casimir replied with a hum.

"Then you also know you're practically stealing kisses on my own territory where any minute my father could pop in here and rip you apart."

Casimir chuckled and agreed to her words. It didn't matter to Silfor whether he was a prince or not, cause once it involves his very lovely daughter, hell would have to freeze over before anyone can stop him.


After Casimir—who had planned to stay the night—was thrown out by his father-in-law, he went back to the capital to arrange a few things for their guest.

Although Adira had allowed him to tour this princess around the empire, for the sake of respect and publicity, he also just wanted her to selfishly ban him from seeing this woman at all.

"She should selfishly restrain me once in a while, although she isn't that kind of woman." He sighed and smiled.

Roman, who came to fetch him after receiving an angry call from the Duke Sylveris, just looked over to his prince in disbelief. A lot of times, he wondered how much of a schemer this man actually is to force his way into the Lady's life like that.

He could only shake his head to that thought.

"Your highness, Alex had given his report about Leon's actions lately and said that the latter was behaving well. He also wasn't meeting up with someone or anyone for that matter at all.

Lately, it seems he's been keeping to himself and pondering over his mistakes. I still do not think it was wise to leave him under Lady Adira's care when he once tried to harm her.

Can't you think of a way to somehow convince the Lady Adira to relinquish him and let him rot in the dungeons as penance for his crime?"

Roman worriedly expressed his thoughts on the matter of Leon being Adira's, the future queen's, guard.

He had a hard time digesting the information when Casimir briefed him about what Leon did and an even harder time when he learned that Adira made him her guard.

"Sooner or later that prick will initiate to contact Leon again. This time, I won't let them get away."

"What about the Latifolias?"

"We'll deal with them as well. They've been too much of an eyesore just because I chose to ignore their daughter. Now that she's served her purpose, I don't need her anywhere near me anymore."

Roman looked at the frost quickly covering the prince's countenance. He silently prayed for the poor souls of the Latifolias for what was about to come.

"Yes, Yes. Because the wife will hate it, right?" Roman, trying a trick for the first time, mentioned Adira and the frost just melted all by itself as spring took over his visage.

"Yes, because the wife hates it."

Oh dear heavens! Thank you for giving us Lady Adira to control this demon!

Roman thanked the Gods and silently clasped his hands together. Casimir saw him do this action from the corner of his eye and raised a brow before asking him,

"What are you doing?"

"Oh! Nothing, your highness. I just thought that Lady Adira's really lucky to have bumped into you that day."

Roman tried feeding Casimir's manly ego and praised him, feeling as if he got the ropes on how to pacify a great demon lord like him.

Casimir only scoffed after briefly looking away and turned back to Roman with a complex glint in his eyes before smiling slightly.

"No. I am."

It seems Roman still had a long way to go to get to Adira's level of expertise on how to handle Casimir.

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