A Warning

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Adira breezed past countless servants and doctors alike that frantically tried to get her to slow down a bit. But they were talking through deaf ears as the woman almost shove them out of her way.

"Princess! Please! Slow down! You are with child! Please take care of your body!"

They continued to cry while tailing behind her walking straight back to the room where she left her slumbering son.

She wasn't in her best mood to deal with them for her reputation and image didn't matter as much as seeing her son healthy and sound.

"Move!" She commanded at Roman, who was standing guard at the door, a bit too harshly than necessary.

However, the latter understood her though. This woman before him was a mother that was dying with worry and everyone, constantly crying out for her to stop and slow down, was annoying her relentlessly.

That and she hasn't rested well since the little prince's poisoning accident. So, of course, she wouldn't be patient and gentle enough to address anyone.

Roman immediately stepped aside and gave room for Adira to pass through him and enter the bedroom where her son's been waiting for her.

As soon as she opened the door, big blue sapphire eyes flicked towards her way and a smile bloomed brightly and happily on his cute little pretty face.

He looked like how he usually was whenever he greets her a good morning.

"Mommy!" He beamed before warm and slender arms reached out for him to encase him inside his most favorite embrace.

"Heise... My baby... Mommy... Mommy was so worried you'd leave her. Mommy couldn't protect you. I'm sorry." Adira cried as she tightened the hug, making sure the child knew how scared and sorry she was, as she visibly trembled.

"Mommy doesn't need to apologize! Heise is not leaving Mommy! Because Heise loves Mommy as much as Mommy loves Heise! Heise will always protect Mommy!"

The child tried to comfort his mother when the arms that kept him plastered against her chest suddenly loosened up and Adira collapsed beside him.

"Ah!! Princess!!!"



Casimir, Heise, Roman, the servants and doctors all exclaimed as the former hurriedly rushed towards her side and picked his wife up, turning his worried gaze towards the doctor, who automatically examined her to check what was wrong.

"She's merely sleeping. It must've been the exhaustion after being deprived of rest for the past week. And fortunately, it seems the child she carries is also fine."

He informed Casimir while breathing a sigh of relief himself. Seriously, this royal couple always manages to shave a few years off his life in the short time that he met them.

Casimir felt the tension leave his body slowly before planting a kiss on his wife's head and laid her on the bed to rest comfortably.

My wife, why do you love to worry me to death?


Adira woke up after a good solid fifteen hours of sleep and sluggishly turned to the person that's been softly caressing her hair.

"How long have you been playing with my hair, husband?"

With tightly shut eyes, she cutely purred groggily and smiled sweetly while resting her cheeks against the person's cold hand that she snatched.

She didn't hear Casimir respond to her so she peeled her eyes open one by one and found not silver but raven locks and amber eyes staring at her dumbfoundedly.

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