The Apple of their Eyes

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"... Understand? These communication crystals that will be given to you are directly connected to our crystals. So if you find yourselves in danger, connect it to us!"

The professor ended his long speech about safety before students ventured into the forest. They formed groups of five among themselves and Adira, with her unlucky stars, got mixed with Triton as well as Iris and a girl classmate she remembered was Melissa Niveria, daughter of Baron Niveria.

Also, needless to say, Casimir, after pulling some strings behind everyone's back, belonged to Adira's group as well. Wherever she goes, he's there.

"Don't do anything reckless! Does everybody understand?"

After the professor's final reminder, Casimir turned to Adira which caught her attention.

"What're you looking at me for?" She asked with an aggrieved expression.

Casimir smirked at this and just shrugged his shoulders. Surely, even if he says it, she won't believe how much she attracts trouble it's almost unbelievable.

"I'm here anyway." He mused.

Triton, who stood beside Adira just a few feet away, watched their interaction and felt annoyed with this white head that just pops wherever Adira is.

I mean, why do you follow her wherever? Even to her field trip? Shouldn't you be doing your responsibilities as the student council's president back at the campus? Isn't this an abuse of your power?

He thought to himself while keeping a glare to the back of that annoying pile of white hair.

At first, he was incredibly surprised to see him alight from Adira's carriage and promptly held his hand to help her down.

But now, he's just thoroughly annoyed at the thought that the chance to monopolize Adira during this field trip was suddenly dashed just like that by this irritating prince.


Each group entered the forest at different established entrances and officially started their activity.

Casimir, who was not originally part of their class, tagged along and helped Adira's group. They were, by far, the most efficient and fastest group.

"Ah!" There was cry from behind Adira that made everyone turn their heads and the moment she turned around, she saw Iris clinging to Casimir.

"I'm... I'm sorry! Please forgive me, your highness! I didn't notice the rock and tripped on it." She apologized bashfully, her cheeks dusted with red tint.

Wow, how obvious can you be girl?

Adira watched with an unbelieving and mocking gaze before she turned around again.

"Adira." Triton called her name before he quickly corrected himself and said, "I mean, Lady Sylveris. Please watch your step. I can help you, if you don't mind."

He smiled like the perfect gentleman that he is and offered his hand to help Adira step over a log.

"No. It's quite alright, Lord Dalriada. I can help myself." Adira politely rejected his offer, but he took it upon himself to take the initiative and held Adira's hands.

"It's fine to depend on others (me) sometimes."

But I don't want to! Please stop doing things like this before you lose your hands!

She groused in her head while feeling that undeniable chill from her back.

Oh dear God! Please save our souls!

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