This Prince!

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The next day, although still floating and constantly thinking about Casimir's alluring and devilishly handsome face that night, Adira properly asked for permission to visit their fief's central plaza.

Silfor, who just saw his daughter again from the night he accompanied her to the campus, was crying buckets of tears as he complained to Andrea—Adira's mother.

"Look at her! She just came back and she doesn't even miss her daddy anymore! Andrea! I can't live like this anymore!"

"My, my. Silfor, darling, Adira's just going for a walk and she'll be back in a jiffy. Isn't that right, dearest?"

Adira's smile twitched uncontrollably as she watched her father wail and complain like a miserable brat and immediately answered,

"Of course, Father, Mother. I'm just going to check some stuffs out and I'll be back by lunch."

"See? Now why don't you go do your work before his majesty adds another pile to your ever increasing tower of work?" Andrea said and turned to Silfor's very own version of the twin towers.

Silfor's mood plummeted even more and suddenly shifted to annoyance and running berserk, cursing and scolding the king for pushing so much work into his hands.

I wonder if Casey also pushes some of his work to someone else?


"Your highness! Finally! Please take care of these stuff! I'm already dying over here!" Roman whined and melted on Casimir's table at the council's office as soon as he saw Casimir step through the door.

"Good work, Roman. You can take a three day leave. Thank you."

Roman, after hearing Casimir's words, almost went down on his knees to praise him or whatever God or Goddess blessed this person's black heart to ever speak those words!

He even gave him a break! For three days! That was plenty enough to recover his vigor! And even said Thank you! When does he do that? Aside from his falseness at celebrations or meetings?

"Yes! Thank you, your highness! I shall depart immediately!" He sprung up from his seat and saluted with so much verve, his image a second ago almost seemed like an illusion, and quickly disappeared.

He was slightly afraid the prince might change his mind.

But contrary to his belief, it wasn't gonna happen. Casimir, after all, was very happy and satisfied with the week he got to monopolize so much of Adira's time. Although Heise pretty much sabotaged a lot of it, he was still happy to enjoy Adira's mere presence.

Casimir sat on his chair and thought back to the night he gave Adira a kiss on her cheek and remembered how red she was after he did it. A smile was creeping up to his face as he lightly touched his lips, trying to relive the moment he kissed her soft and warm cheeks—a stark contrast to the coldness of his lips.

He was already energized for the day and was refueled. He already can't wait to when Adira hurries back to school.


Adira walked around the plaza. She was wearing commoner's clothes to avoid standing out and as if that wasn't enough, she even wore a hood on her head that cascaded all the way down to her heels.

It was just like the first time she snuck outside the Sylveris Castle.

Walking past the familiar bakery, she stopped. This time, she made sure she brought money with her.

Lifting her head, she saw Peter tending on the front as usual while Hyacinth cooked at the back.


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