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The next few days were the same. The boys compete with each other and the girls do what they can. They finish earlier than the rest and they were allowed to enjoy their time after.

However, on the fifth day, Adira came down with a fever. It was partly because she had a weak body prone to sickness and partly also because of Heise and the barrier eating away her mana too much.

Giving Heise a name took away a lot of her reserves. It slipped out of her mind that she had been constantly maintaining a barrier so she had a limited spare.

But, she didn't regret it. Naming Heise made him grow a lot and since he looked well and healthy then it didn't matter if he took a whole lot.

After naming him, his features were now more prominent than before and she was sure now that she did meet Heise a little bit earlier than intended and even got the chance to briefly meet his mother.

She was one beautiful dragon.

At first, she wanted to at least attend the activity set for the day but Casimir strictly told her not to. He was so firm with his decision he even made her rest on his quarters for the time being since it'd be better if the son accompanies the mother—more like guard the mother in his absence.

That day, their work was the slowest! The teachers were so worried and confused that they called Melissa over.

"What's wrong with your team? Why is it too slow this time? A lot has finished their tasks already and yours just barely made it to half."

"I'm sorry professor. His highness and Lord Dalriada seems to be down in the dumps today. Maybe because Lady Sylveris isn't around?"

"Lady Sylveris? What's Lady Sylveris got to do with any of this?"

Afraid they would misinterpret her words, Melissa quickly answered, "No, no! It's not like what you think! Lady Sylveris is not forcing them or anything!

They've been competing for her attention lately since everytime his highness finishes early, she makes something for him. Like a cookie or something. Maybe Lord Dalriada also wanted some?"

"It can't be. His highness, Prince Casimir, cannot be simply doing these things just for a cookie. Maybe he's onto something?" The professor mused.

But he's really doing it just for Lady Adira's cookies! Other than that, then it's for him to see her smile!

Melissa thought and looked over to the sluggish boys. Casimir's been doing Adira's share of the work and today's not any different. It's just that, he's worried about her and cannot focus on what he was doing.

Triton, on the other hand, can't find the motivation to work. Adira wasn't around and so he cannot hear her laugh, her giggle or just simply hear her voice and watch her smile.

There were even rare occasions where they'd even converse like simple friends. And that simply makes him happy beyond words.

While Iris was being herself, wasting time sending signals to Casimir who didn't even know what she was doing. His mind was entirely elsewhere all the time.

After who knows how long, they finally finished and Casimir, who was about to return to his quarters, passed by a meadow and suddenly heard a high pitched giggle.

He didn't want to turn but it was so creepy he feared it might disturb Adira if it came a bit closer or should it increase its volume. He figured he should drive whatever it was away.

When he turned his head, he met a pair of amber eyes looking at him, with the flower wreathe she just finished making resting on her head, before smiling shyly. Just like a touch-me-not plant.

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