The Greenhouse Angel

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Stefan ran around aimlessly and happened to pass by one of Casimir's greenhouses. In hopes of shaking off his pursuers—umm, his retainers—he went inside the open greenhouse and shut it carefully behind him before crouching low to hide himself in the bushes.

He lied in wait for his retainers to breeze pass through the greenhouse before he let go of a breath he didn't notice he had been holding in.

After he was sure they were out of sight now, he figured he might as well wile his time inside his brother's greenhouse that housed nothing but white lilies.

He walked around, trying to find the perfect spot where there was a cool shade, to find a spot where he could rest when he chanced upon this sleeping and enchanting angel breathing so peacefully she almost seemed like she was perfectly right where she should be.

Surrounded with those white lilies, her plum-hued dress stood out so much it was impossible to tear one's gaze away from her profile—that sweet and innocent face that doesn't fail to stir reckless and fervent emotions deep inside a man.

Stefan carefully walked closer to her—as if akin to a magnet being attracted by its polar opposite, like gravity pulling him closer to something he knew was dangerous, and like Icarus that couldn't help himself but fly closer to the sun.

How beautiful.

He noted when he was close to the woman now—close enough that he could smell her intoxicatingly sweet strawberry scent mixing with the light aroma of the lilies around them.

Reaching out a hand, he carefully swiped away a lock of hair that strayed to her face. He couldn't help but want to see more of her beauty—even when he knew he mustn't covet her.

Even when he was painfully aware how she had become his sister-in-law.

He still cannot help the pitter patter of drums in his heart and the wildfire that quickly burns him from inside whenever he so much as glances her way.

"Adira." he tried speaking her name and felt that wonderful squeeze in his heart.

"Mm." The woman groaned and adjusted herself as she turned her head towards the man, who sat on the floor beside the couch she slept on.

"Why do you disturb me so?" He muttered and laid a gentle kiss on the string of ashen locks he's been twirling in his fingers.

He briefly lifted himself off the ground and dipped his head to leave a kiss on her head when the woman suddenly woke up with a start and immediately sat up—thus colliding with the man's nose.

Stefan fell back on his ass and wailed in pain, rolling around and clutching his nose, before hearing her sweet yet horrified voice call his name.


The man sat up, with small tears in his eyes, as he tried to glare at the woman before it instantly melted away upon laying eyes on her tear-stricken countenance.

"Why're you crying?"

"What?" Adira asked and raised her hands to touch the wet tracks of her tears before stubbornly trying to deny it.

"I-I was yawning! That's why!"

"What's wrong? What happened? Did you get in a fight with my brother? Is that why you were sleeping here?" Stefan, unconvinced with her lie, ignored her words and asked his questions.

"No, Casey and I did not fight. I also did not notice I fell asleep here."

Adira answered two of his questions and fell silent. The latter, who was waiting for her answers to the other two, grew impatient and chose to ask again albeit softly and gently—like treading on a path laden with landmines.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

And without warning, the woman's tears rolled down from her eyes as this stupid prince's words reminded her of her nightmare—a memory of that night but also an addition that she caused her husband's and her son's death.

"I... I dreamed... I... I dreamed I killed... Casey and Heise... I was so scared and lost... I couldn't control myself... I killed them with my own hands."

The woman bawled and cried heavily while watching her trembling hands as she reiterated what she saw in her nightmare—bloodstained hands and Casimir and Heise's corpses.

She looked so vulnerable and shaken that Stefan was not able to think before his body moved and took the woman into his embrace while gently coaxing her—whispering to her softly that it was all just a dream and her family was safe and sound.

"It felt so real, Stefan. It... It felt too vivid." She continued to bawl in his chest.

It made his heart ache to hear and watch her cry like that. So, in an attempt to stop her from crying, he made a little earth golem pluck out a white lily and offered it to her before adding,

"Why don't I accompany you to see my brother and Heise? So you can see with your own eyes that they are absolutely well and fine." He smiled to lighten Adira's heavy heart even a little bit.

The latter nodded to his suggestion while cutely taking the flower from the golem and smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, Stefan."

Stefan, caught off guard with this sweet, docile and girly side of hers, blushed and flustered as he denied his actions vehemently.

"I-I-I didn't do this for you! I-I just cannot leave a-a crying girl alone! That's it!"

"I know. Geez. You don't have to be that hard on it."

Adira, back to her self again after seeing Stefan deny her gratitude that much, stood up and took the flower with her before pausing by the door and turned back to the second prince that remained on the couch.

"What? Are you coming or not? I thought you were gonna accompany me to see them?"

She haughtily demanded from this prince who couldn't help but sigh to himself while riddled with the mystery of what was in her that attracted him so much.

"Yeah, Yeah, your highness. I'm coming."

"That should be big sister for you, you know? I am, after all, your brother's wife."

"No way, in seven hells, am I addressing you as such!"

So, I really like Stefan and Adira's interaction with the former being as dishonest and prickly as he could when he's speaking with Adira. Very different from his sunny and lively talks with other noble ladies. And also because he hasn't been appearing lately.

Anyway, I loved your responses 💕 Banzaaaaiiii 🎉🎉🎉

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